Hello cooks, welcome to Paulina Cocina! Are you eager to Delicious, homemade and easy recipesToday we bring you one that comes directly from Cochabamba, Bolivia, to delight us with its mix of flavor and spiciness: It is the Male Pique.

In this tour we will discover why it is so popular bite like a manwhy it has such a striking name, what its origin is and on what occasions it is enjoyed.

We also leave you some tips to make it perfect, its variants and, as always, at the end the recipe for pique macho step by stepwith all the details and its ingredients.

About the male pique

He male pike It is one of the most representative and emblematic dishes of Bolivian cuisine, like peanut soup or salchipapas. It is a combination of beef, French fries, fresh vegetables and the contribution of the locoto that gives it that characteristic spiciness.

This dish is ideal for sharing at family gatherings or among friends, due to its generous portions and its ability to satisfy even the hungriest of eaters. A very colorful recipe that has gained popularity not only in Bolivia but also among food lovers around the world.

Why is it called pique macho?

The name pique macho comes from the word “pique“, which in Bolivia refers to something spicyand “macho,” suggesting that it is a dish for the brave, those who dare to enjoy its intense flavor.

  • The dish is believed to have been created in the 1970s.

The story goes that it was in the Cochabamba citywhere a group of friends asked for a meal to wake them up after a long night of partying. The restaurant owner, inspired by the request, mixed the ingredients he had on hand and that’s how the Cochabamba male bite.

Origin of the Cochabamba male pique

The recipe for pique machoas we mentioned before, originated in Cochabamba, a city known for its rich culinary tradition, and quickly gained popularity throughout the country. Since its creation, this dish has evolved, but has maintained its essence of being a hearty and satisfying meal.

Its success is due not only to its delicious flavor, but also to being a sociable and hearty dishperfect for sharing at gatherings and celebrations. Over time, each region and each chef have brought their own touch to the dish, always maintaining the original essence but adapting it to different local tastes and preferences.

5 Characteristics of Bolivian pique

  1. Abundant: He male pike Bolivian It is served in generous portions, because it is ideal for sharing.
  2. Mix of flavors and textures: The combination of juicy meat, crispy fries and fresh sautéed vegetables creates an explosion of flavors and textures in every bite.
  3. Spicy: The spicy touch is a distinctive characteristic of pique macho. Although the level of spiciness can vary according to taste, it is common for this dish to have a good degree of intensity.
  4. Versatility: Pique a lo macho can be adapted to different tastes and preferences. Some versions include hard-boiled eggs, chorizo, sausages or even chicken, making each preparation unique.
  5. Tradition and culture: This dish is not only a culinary delight but also a symbol of Bolivian culture and hospitality. It is commonly enjoyed in social gatherings and festivities.

Main ingredients of traditional pique a lo macho

The ingredients for a male pique plate They are simple but combined in a way that results in a party of flavors and colors:

  • Beef: Generally, loin or some tender cut is used, cut into strips.
  • French fries: Golden and crispy, they are an essential component.
  • Fresh vegetables: Like tomatoes, onions and peppers.
  • Crazy: The locoto, also known as hot pepperis a species of pepper native to South America, particularly the Andean region. It is an essential ingredient in the preparation, due to its robust flavor and its distinctive spiciness which gives the dish its identity.

Other ingredients of the Bolivian pique macho

He macho bite has variants, each with its own distinctive twist. Some of the most popular include:

  • Rice: White rice is mixed with the other ingredients, offering a different texture and a milder flavor. Pique macho with rice It is ideal for those who prefer a less spicy and lighter dish.
  • Eggs: Some versions include hard-boiled eggs or fried eggs.
  • Beef sausages or chorizos: They give a different touch and increase the variety of textures and flavors.
  • Pollo: Ideal for those who prefer a lighter meat.
  • Beer sauce: Cooking meat with a beer sauce It adds juiciness to the dish.

The base of the pique macho recipe

He Cochabamba male bite It is distinguished by its authenticity and use of fresh ingredients. Preparation begins with marinating the meat, followed by frying the potatoes until crispy.

Some of the vegetables are briefly sautéed, then mixed with the meat and potatoes. Finally, the fresh vegetables and the egg just before serving. This method ensures that each component of the dish maintains its unique texture and flavour.

The best way to prepare juicy pique macho

To prepare the best bite like a manit is essential to pay attention to the quality of the ingredients and the cooking technique.

  • First of all, to obtain a juicy pique macho, it is crucial to marinate the meat and not overcook it. A good trick is to sautĂ© it with the pot covered during cooking to keep it juicy. It can also be cooked with a beer sauce to make it even juicier.
  • Potatoes should be fried in a separate frying pan, making sure they are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. To keep their texture, you can fry them lightly first and then fry them a second time in very hot oil to make them nice and crispy.

Finally, the ingredients are mixed together at the time of serving and enjoyed immediately to prevent the ingredients from losing their original flavors and textures.

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Pique Macho Recipe

Yield: 4 servings

Preparation time: 1 hour (includes 30 minutes of marinating the meat)


  • 1 kg beef (loin or similar), cut into pieces or strips
  • 1 kg of potatoes, cut into sticks
  • 2 tomatoes, sliced
  • 1 large red onion, cut into rings
  • 1 red or green bell pepper, cut into strips
  • 2 locotos, sliced ​​(can be replaced with 10 g of locoto powder)
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 pinch of cumin
  • Vegetable oil for frying
  • 2 hard-boiled eggs, sliced ​​(optional)
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Pique Macho in 5 steps:

  1. Marinate the meat by placing the strips of meat in a container along with the chopped garlic, salt, pepper and cumin. Mix well and leave to marinate for 30 minutes.
  2. While the meat is marinating, heat enough oil in a deep frying pan. Fry the potato sticks until golden and crispy. Remove from the heat and place on absorbent paper.
  3. On the other hand, heat a little oil in a large frying pan and sauté the marinated meat over medium-high heat until it takes color.
  4. Next, add the onion, bell pepper and locotos. Mix well, cover. Cook for 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the vegetables are tender and the meat is cooked.
  5. On a large platter or tray, place the French fries as a base. On top of the potatoes, place the sautéed meat with the vegetables. Then, distribute the tomato slices and the sliced ​​hard-boiled eggs (optional) over the meat. Enjoy the pique macho hot.

Source: www.paulinacocina.net

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