Welcome to Paulina Cocina and a new installment of this humble, but enriching recipe blog. Today we bring you a wonderful creation for lovers of sweets: Queen’s arm.

In the Chilean tablesthe brazo de reina is a classic that is enjoyed at birthdays and celebrations where sweet delicacies play a key role. Let’s find out what this rolled preparation is all about, which is usually filled with delicacy, but can be made in many ways.

We leave you all the tips for the cake it turns out nice and fluffy, six varieties of this delight, answers to all your questions about the preparation and, as always, a recipe for queen’s arm to enjoy in good company.

On the queen’s arm

The Queen’s arm is much more than a simple dessert; it is a culinary experience that combines the softness of the sponge cake with the unmistakable sweetness of the delicacy (homemade dulce de leche). It is Chilean sweet roll It is presented elegantly, delicately rolled to create an edible work of art.

The preparation of this delicacy involves a careful combination of basic ingredients such as eggs, flour and sugargiving life to a spongy cake that becomes the perfect canvas for the delicacy.

This dessert is also very popular in other countries, but it is known as the dulce de leche rollin Argentina, or as Gypsy armin Spain.

Some features of the Queen’s arm recipe

This dessert is distinguished by the fluffy and delicate texture of her yogurt cake.

  • The perfect combination between the sweetness of the delicacy and the softness of the cakeguarantees a balance of sweetness, without being cloying.
  • Versatility of fillings: Although manjar is the classic filling, some like to innovate with options such as fruits, crema pastry chef the included chocolate cream.
  • Impeccable presentation: The Queen’s arm not only conquers with its flavor, but also with its irresistible presentation, ideal for special occasions.
  • Tempting aroma: The aroma that it gives off when baked turns the kitchen into a center of attraction.

Frequently asked questions about the queen’s arm

How do you make a queen’s arm?

The preparation of the fluffy queen arm begins with the creation of a sponge cakewhere the key lies in beating the ingredients with patience. Then, the delicacy is spread over the dough and carefully rolled to form the characteristic cylinder.

What ingredients does it have?

The recipe of Chilean sweet roll requires simple but essential ingredients. Among them are: eggs, flour, sugar and, of course, the delicacy. The quality of these elements guarantees the success of this creation.

¿How to make sponge cake?

The queen arm mass It requires attention and care. The egg whites are beaten until stiff and then mixed with the yolks. Flour is added little by little, not forgetting the baking powder to achieve a fluffy consistency. It is baked for only a few minutes and is rolled up after being removed from the oven.

On what occasions is this dessert enjoyed in Chile?

The brazo de reina is enjoyed on various occasions in Chile. From birthdays to family parties or simply as a dessert on an ordinary afternoon, this sweet is suitable for any special moment.

Why is it called a queen’s arm?

Some theories say that its rolled shape is reminiscent of the sleeve of a queen’s dress, while others suggest that its name is a tribute to the women who skillfully prepare it.

What other ways can it be prepared?

The versatility of the sponge cake allows you to experiment with different variations. From adding nuts or fruits to the filling to innovating with the flavours of the cake, the possibilities are endless. Creativity is welcome in the kitchen.

Tips for making a fluffy queen’s arm

  • Beat the eggs and sugar until you get a foamy mixture. It is essential to achieve an airy texture. Egg whites and yolks can be beaten separately, for an even airier result.
  • It is important Preheat the oven and bake at a moderate temperature to obtain uniform cooking without burning.
  • Careful rolling: Roll the cake when removing it from the oven to adjust its shape.
  • Rest before cutting: Let the Queen’s arm before cutting it so that the delicacy settles and the cut is clean.

At the end, don’t forget to give it a different and special touch like sprinkling with powdered sugarnuts or fresh fruit, to give it a finishing touch.

easy queen's arm

6 varieties of traditional queen’s arm

Although the manjar recipe remains the favorite, creativity has given rise to new interpretations that explore unique flavors and textures. Some of the most popular variations of brazo de reina are:

  1. With fruits: This version incorporates a fresh touch by adding fresh fruit, or preserved, to the filling.
  1. With walnuts or almonds: The inclusion of walnuts o almonds in the filling and on the surface, they provide a crunchy texture and an additional flavour. These variants add a touch of sophistication and an interesting contrast to the smoothness of the delicacy.
  1. Of chocolate: This variant replaces the traditional sponge cake with a sponge cake chocolate, creating a sublime experience, like the chocolate sponge cake with raspberries.
  1. With cream: This version may include crema chantillypastry cream or even hazelnut spread (nutella)rather than delicacy, providing a delicious alternative for those looking for something different.
  1. Of exotic flavors: There are variants that incorporate ingredients such as coco, passion fruito even coffeefor a unique and surprising experience.
  1. With ice cream: For hot days, the Queen’s arm with ice cream It is presented as a refreshing option. The mix of textures and flavours make this variant a perfect delight for summer.

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ingredients of queen's arm

Recipe for Queen’s Arm

Yield: 8 to 10 servings

Preparation time: 45 minutes


  • 3 eggs
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 cup of flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • Manjar (dulce de leche)
  • Powdered sugar for decorating

How to make the Queen’s Arm recipe in 7 steps

  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Beat the egg yolks with the sugar until foamy.
  2. Beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt until stiff. Fold them into the yolk mixture.
  3. Add the sifted flour and baking powder, gently folding them in to keep the air in the dough.
  4. Lightly butter or line a baking tray with baking paper. Pour the mixture over and spread evenly. Cook for about 8 to 10 minutes or until a toothpick inserted comes out clean.
  5. Remove from the oven and, while still warm, place the cake on a clean kitchen towel sprinkled with icing sugar. Roll up with the towel and leave to cool completely.
  6. Carefully unroll, spread a generous layer of delicacy over the surface and roll up again without the cloth.
  7. Optionally, sprinkle with powdered sugar, shredded coconut or chopped nuts before serving.

Source: www.paulinacocina.net

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