Hello friends of Paulina Cocina! On this occasion we are invited to a dessert that never goes unnoticed as it is pure delight, visually and gustatively: Pavlova. This delight based on meringue, cream and fruits It’s a combination that’s hard to resist.

In this note we are going to take a tour through history, the origin, secrets and tips of this dessert named after a dancer. In addition, we will see specific doubts and a pavlova recipe detailed to prepare it like in the best restaurants, but from the comfort of your home.

About pavlova

The pavlova It is a dessert that combines a crunchy meringue base with a soft cover of whipped cream and a generous amount of fresh fruitsThis contrast of textures and flavors makes each bite of this dessert a sublime experience.

He meringue for pavlova It is made from egg whites and sugar, beaten until they form firm peaks. This meringue is baked at a low temperature so that it remains crispy on the outside and with a fluffy interior.

The chantilly cream is placed on top of the meringue, adding a touch of softness, and the fruits such as strawberries, kiwis, bananas, and blueberries (among others), provide the acidity and freshness necessary to balance the sweetness of the meringue.

Meaning of pavlova: Disputed origin

He Pavlova dessert It bears that name in tribute to Anna Pavlovaa famous Russian ballerina. This dessert is said to have been created in her honour during one of her tours of Australia and New Zealand in the 1920s.

  • Why is Pavlova named after Anna Pavlova? It is dessert with meringue is named after the Russian ballerina in honor of her grace and lightness on stage. It is said that the fluffy and ethereal structure of the meringue It resembles the delicacy of the dancer’s movements.

The debate over whether it was Australia or New Zealand that created the pavlova original It is intense and still unresolved. Both claim authorship of this iconic dessert, but what is indisputable is that it has conquered palates all over the world, beyond its origin.

Information about pavlova dessert

Starting with the base ingredients of this recipe, the dessert is made mainly of egg whites beaten with sugarvinegar or lemon juice, and sometimes cornstarch. It is baked at a low temperature and decorated with whipped cream and fresh fruitsuch as strawberries, kiwi or passion fruit.

  • Where do you store pavlova? Once the meringue is prepared it should be kept refrigerated. It is important to keep it in an airtight container to prevent it from absorbing moisture and losing its crispness. However, it is recommended that consume it the same day of its preparation to enjoy it at its best.
  • How much does a pavlova weigh? Weight may vary depending on ingredients and amount of fruit used. In general, a pavlova with fruit The standard size can weigh between 500 grams and 1 kilogram. It all depends on how much cream and fruit it contains.

Characteristics and attributes of pavlova

  • Contrast of textures: The combination of a meringue that is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside with whipped cream and fresh fruit is an irresistible delicacy.
  • For all year round: This dessert can be adapted to any season of the year, using fresh seasonal fruits.
  • Light: Despite being a dessert, it feels light and refreshing, making it perfect to top off a good meal.
  • Aesthetic: Its presentation is visually attractive, becoming the center of attention on any table.
  • Customizable: Beyond the classic pavlova with fruitYou can add different sauces, honey or nuts for a different touch.

How to make pavlova with fruit: The secret is in the meringue

Do this dessert with meringue It is not complicated, but it does require patience and precision. The first thing is prepare the meringue making sure that the egg whites do not have any traces of yolk.

There are different types of meringue. But for this dessert the one from French stylein which sugar is added gradually until it is shiny and smooth, and a touch of vinegar or cornstarch may be added to stabilize it.

Then the temperature for Bake the meringue The temperature should be low, and the process can take about an hour or more, checking occasionally to prevent burning. It should be crispy and lightly browned on the outside. It is then allowed to cool completely before adding the cream and fruit.

7 Tips for making the original pavlova recipe

  1. Use eggs at room temperature: This helps the egg whites to whip better.
  2. Let it cool in the oven: Turn off the oven and let the meringue cool inside with the door ajar to prevent it from cracking.
  3. Assemble just before serving.: This maintains the freshness and crunchy texture of the meringue.
  4. Choose fresh and firm fruits: Juicy fruits can make the meringue too moist.
  5. Do not over-beat the cream: It should be firm but not too thick to maintain the lightness of the dessert.
  6. Add a touch of vanilla to the meringue: To give it an extra flavor.
  7. Using parchment paper: So that the meringue doesn’t stick to the tray.

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Pavlova Recipe

Yield: 8 servings

Preparation time: 2 hours


  • 4 egg whites
  • 200 g of sugar
  • 1 teaspoon white vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon cornstarch
  • 250 ml whipping cream
  • 1 tablespoon of powdered sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Fresh fruit to taste (e.g. 150g strawberries, 2 kiwis, 2 bananas, 50g blueberries, 50g cherries)
  • Mint leaves for decoration (optional)

How to make pavlova step by step

  1. Preheat the oven to 120°C.
  2. To make the meringueBeat the egg whites until stiff, then gradually add the sugar, beating until the meringue is firm and shiny. Add the vinegar and cornstarch and mix gently.
  3. Place the meringue on a baking tray lined with baking paper, forming a circle with a slight indentation in the centre. Bake for 1½ to 2 hours, until the meringue is dry and crispy on the outside. Leave to cool in the oven with the oven turned off and the door ajar.
  4. To make the cream, battery with the icing sugar and vanilla until firm but soft and fluffy peaks are obtained.
  5. To assemble the dessert place the whipped cream on the cooled meringuedecorate by making layers of the different fruits chosen and finish with a few mint leaves to decorate.
how to make pavlova

Source: www.paulinacocina.net

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