Hello friends of Paulina Cocina, we hope you are having a great time and cooking a lot! In this new installment we want to bring a classic of classics in the world of recipes, which will surely take many back to their childhood: Plum jam.

When we think of homemade plum jama grandmother surely comes to mind stirring a giant pot with a wooden spoonwhile the kitchen was filled with a sweet and slightly acidic aroma. The red plum jam It is not just a delicacy to spread on toast, it is a journey that transports us to those moments of warmth and tradition.

That’s why today we are going to give you all the tips and advice to do the plum jam recipe at home and enjoy this delicious sweet with those we love most, and at the same time store a few jars to have all year round.

About plum jam

Talk about the homemade plum jam It is an indisputable classic from grandmothers’ pantries. This sweet plumwhich has been passed down from generation to generation, is one of those pleasures that knows no trends or times.

From the most traditional to the most innovative versions, The plum has always lent itself to be the star ingredient. Because? Due to its perfect combination of acidity and sweetness, which allows us to create an unmatched balance of flavors.

Now, while plum jam may sound like something simple, the truth is that each step in its preparation has its trick. From the choice of fruit to the exact cooking point, every detail counts to achieve that perfect texture and flavor that we all look for in a homemade plum jam.

5 Attributes of homemade plum jam

  1. Texture: The texture of the homemade plum jam It’s something you can’t buy in a supermarket. Achieving that right point where the jam is thick enough is an art. He The secret is in the cooking time and the amount of sugar. that is used.
  2. Flavor: The flavor of the jam largely depends on the quality of the plums. If red plums are used, a sweeter flavor will be obtainedwhile with yellow plums, the acidity will be more pronounced. Good advice is taste the plums before cooking to adjust the amount of sugar needed.
  3. Color: A red plum jam will have a intense coloralmost garnet, which is simply spectacular. This color is one of the greatest visual attractions of the jam, and is intensified even more if the skin of the plums is left on during cooking.
  4. Aroma: Nothing like the aroma of freshly made plum jam. The sweet and fruity smell invades the kitchen. aromatic tip: to give it an extra touch, you can add a little cinnamon or vanilla during cooking.
  5. Versatility: Plum jam is not just for spreading on homemade bread toast. Can also be used as pie filling or in cookies like seedsaccompany with cheeses, or even as a glaze for meats.

How to regulate the acidity and avoid the bitterness of plum jam

Two questions that usually arise with this recipe are:How to remove the acidity from plum jam? y Why is plum jam bitter?

The truth is that although the acidity is part of the charm of this plum jam some people prefer it sweeter. In that case you can add a little more sugar at the end of cooking or try a touch of baking soda (very little, we don’t want to ruin it), which helps neutralize the acidity.

On the other hand, the bitterness may be the result of overcooking the jam or using plums that are not completely ripe. To avoid this, it is best to taste the plums before starting and not cook them on too high a heat.

How to make red plum jam: Patience is key

Making plum jam is more than just following a recipe; It is a process in which every step counts. The key is to select the right plumscut them into uniform pieces and cook them over low heatstirring constantly so they don’t stick.

Large plums are usually more acidic than small ones, so, depending on personal taste, for a sweeter result, a small plum jam can be a great option.

For the moment of preparation it is not a matter of rushing; patience is our best ally, that’s why It is important to respect the cooking timesbecause if we go too far, the jam can be too thick or even bitter. And if we fall short, there will be plum puree instead of jam.

Other ways to make plum jam

  • sugar free: For a plum sweet suitable for people with diabetes, such as sugar-free strawberry jam or sugar-free peach jam, it can be sweetened with natural sweeteners such as stevia or sucralose. It is important to note that the texture will be a little different and may need add pectin so that it thickens.
  • Express plum jam: For those who have little patience, one option is to make a quick version using frozen plums. You just have to cook them with a little sugar and lemon juice for about 20-30 minutes, and that’s it!
  • With other fruits: You can add other fruits such as apples, strawberries or apricots to give the jam a different touch. Yes, it is key adjust the amount of sugar depending on the acidity of the fruit that is added.
  • With chia seeds: For a healthier option with a unique texture, adding chia seeds is a great alternative. These seeds not only provide extra fiber and nutrients, but also They help thicken the jam naturallyreducing the amount of sugar needed. Just add one or two tablespoons of chia seeds to the jam once it is cooked, and let it sit until it thickens.

7 Tips for preparing red plum jam

  1. Use ripe plums: Ripe plums have more natural sugar and less acidity, which will make the jam is sweeter and less bitter.
  2. Peel the plums for a smoother texture: Although the skin adds color and texture, you can peel the plums before cooking to make a smoother jam.
  3. Add a touch of lemon: Lemon juice not only helps preserve the jam, but also enhances the plum flavor and balances the sweetness.
  4. Cook over low heat: Patience is key. Cooking over low heat prevents the jam from burning or sticking, and helps it thicken evenly.
  5. Taste the jam before finishing: Before finishing it, taste the jam and adjust the sweetness if necessary.
  6. Do the finger test: A classic way to check that the jam is ready is to load a wooden spoon with the sweet and run it with a finger. If it takes a while to join the two sides, it means it has already thickened.
  7. Sterilize the jars: To preserve plum jam for months, it is crucial to sterilize the containers in which they will be stored. You can sterilize the jars in the microwave to do it faster. This prevents bacteria from forming and keeps the jam fresher for longer.

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Homemade plum jam recipe

Yield: 4 small bottles (approx. 200 ml each)

Preparation time: 40-50 minutes


  • 1 kg red plums
  • 500g sugar
  • Juice of 1 lemon

How to make red plum jam step by step

  1. Wash the plums well, remove the pit and cut them into small pieces. Optionally, you can peel the plums before cutting them.
  2. Place the plums in a large pot along with the sugar and lemon juice. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly to prevent sticking.
  3. Let the mixture simmer gently for 30-40 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the plums are completely dissolved and the jam has thickened. You can check if the jam is ready by doing the ā€œcold plate testā€: place a small amount of jam on a cold plate (previously in the freezer) and if running your finger through the center forms a clean path and the jam It doesn’t flow back, it’s ready.
  4. While the jam is still hot, pour it into previously sterilized jars. Close the jars tightly and place them upside down. Let them cool completely before turning them again. This will create a vacuum that will help preserve the jam for longer.
how to make plum jam

Source: www.paulinacocina.net

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