Hello friends of Paulina Cocina! I hope you find yourself wanting something delicious, a sweet and simple dessert to make. Today’s recipe is one of those that the little ones in the house love: Milk gelatin.

And dessert as delicious as it is easy to make, that does not fail and that we all like for its fresh and versatile flavor. The most fun thing about this recipe is being able to play and choose between different colors and ingredientsto make your jellies in different ways, add accompaniments or decorate it however we like.

About Milk Gelatin

The milk gelatin It is a common dessert, especially in Latin America. In Mexico it has been so successful and popular that it is currently a sweet that is part of the Mexican culinary tradition.

  • In Mexico, milk gelatin is usually enjoyed as a dessert or it is even a common sweet for parties and celebrations.

Its white and shiny appearance makes this dessert a visually attractive option, ideal to present in different colors and shapes, for any occasion.

In addition, Mexican milk gelatin is a preparation that leaves free rein for the creativity of adults and children, since it can be decorated with fruits, sauces or even with pieces of other fruit jellies inside., similar to the mosaic jelly.

Key Ingredients: What is Milk Gelatin made of?

Mexican milk gelatin is made mainly with milk, unflavored gelatin, sugar y cinnamon o in vain. Milk provides the base milky and creamywhile the gelatin powder is responsible for giving it the firm and gelatinous consistency.

  • This culinary creation combines the best of both worlds: milk freshness and gelatinous consistency that makes it so special.

Sugar is added to sweeten the dessert, and vanilla or cinnamon give it an aromatic and delicious touch.

Preparation of Gelatin, can milk be used instead of water?

For those who are not used to this dessert, you will surely have the question of whether you can use milk instead of water to make gelatin. The answer is yes, and the result is a creamier gelatin and with a more pronounced flavor.

However, it is important to note that gelatin can take a little longer to solidify (curdle) when milk is used, due to its fat content. Therefore, if milk is used instead of water, it may take longer to enjoy the final result.

Setting time of Gelatin with Milk

The solidification or setting time of white gelatin may vary depending on the recipe and refrigeration conditions. It is generally recommended refrigerate the milk gelatin for at least 3 hoursalthough you may need more time depending on the quantities and the temperature of the refrigerator.

To ensure that the gelatin has set correctly, you can check by gently pressing the surface with your finger. If the gelatin remains firm and does not sink, it is ready.

4 Tips to prepare Mexican milk gelatin

  1. Make sure completely dissolve the gelatin powder in cold water before adding it to hot milk. This will prevent lumps from forming in the final gelatin.
  2. To add a touch of color and flavor, you can incorporate fresh or canned fruit to the milk gelatin before refrigerating it. Fruits can be cut into small pieces or pureed for a more uniform texture.
  3. To unmold the gelatin of milk you easily have to submerge the mold in hot water for a few seconds before turning it over on a plate.
  4. for one more attractive presentationyou can serve the milk gelatin with fruit sauce, a touch of caramel or a chocolate sauce.

Variants and touches of flavor for your Milk Gelatin

  • Fruits: Pieces of fresh fruits such as strawberries, kiwis, mangoes, peaches, bananas or any other fruit can be added inside the gelatin, when it is at room temperature before refrigerating.
  • Fruit sauces: Prepare a homemade fruit saucesuch as strawberry, raspberry or mango sauce, and mix gently with the gelatin before it solidifies. This will add color and flavor to the gelatin.
  • Chocolate: They can be incorporated chocolate chips or melted chocolate to the mixture, to obtain a chocolate-flavored milk jelly.
  • Caramel: Some liquid candy o caramel sauce on top, for a sweet and sticky touch.
  • Yogurt: For a creamier flavor, you can mix in a little yogurt with milk gelatin to obtain a softer and different texture.
  • Condensed milk: You can use one part condensed milk and one part regular milk, for a thicker and sweeter gelatin.
  • Citrus zest: A touch of lemon zestorange or both, can add freshness, flavor and color to the dessert.

If you still want, here are other ideas for easy desserts.

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Milk jelly recipe

Yield: 4 servings

Preparation time: 10 minutes.

refrigeration time: 3 hours (at least)


  • 1 sachet of unflavored gelatin (7 go according to package instructions)
  • 1/4 cup cold water to dissolve the gelatin
  • 2 cups of milk
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract or 1 vanilla bean (or 1 cinnamon stick or 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon)
  • (Optional) Pieces of fruit gelatin, fruits or other ingredients to taste

How to make milk gelatin step by step:

  1. In a small bowl, dissolve the unflavored gelatin in 1/4 cup cold water. Let sit for a few minutes until fluffy.
  2. Heat the milk in a pot over medium heat and add the sugar. If using a vanilla bean, cut it lengthwise, scrape the seeds into the milk and add the pod. If using a cinnamon stick, add it to the milk. Stir constantly until the sugar is completely dissolved (about 5 minutes). Remove the vanilla bean or cinnamon stick before continuing.
  3. Remove the milk from the heat and add the dissolved gelatin. Mix well until completely integrated. Let the mixture cool to room temperature, but do not let it solidify. If desired, add pieces of fruit gelatin, fruit or other ingredients at this time.
  4. Pour the mixture into individual molds or a large mold. Refrigerate for at least 3 hours or until the gelatin completely solidifies.
  5. To unmold, run a thin knife around the edges of the mold or dip the mold briefly in hot water. Serve the gelatin cold.
easy milk jelly recipe

Source: www.paulinacocina.net

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