With these instructions you can make a confetti bag and use it as a gift of money for various occasions. You can also find a template to print out linked in this post!

Are you looking for a creative idea for a cash gift that is both personal and original? With a homemade confetti bag made of tracing paper you can combine congratulations, money or vouchers and give them as a special gift instead of in a boring envelope. These DIY instructions show you step by step how you can design such a gift of money for various occasions such as birthdays, passing exams or other celebrations.

Original cash gifts creatively packaged in a confetti bag

To make the gift even more personal, you can add details with stamps or hand lettering. The choice of color of the confetti can also be adapted to the occasion or the recipient’s preferences in order to give the gift of money or the gift packaging for a voucher a special touch.

This is how easy it is to do the DIY:

Money gift to tear open / confetti bags as gift packaging

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Cut out the printed tracing paper with zigzag scissors or regular scissors and glue the edges together with an adhesive roller to create a pocket. Leave one side open for filling.


Fill the bag with confetti and place banknotes or a voucher inside.


Carefully tape the open side closed. The contents are visible through the transparent paper and the confetti trickles out when opened.


The confetti bag is ready!

Money gift to tear open / confetti bag as gift packaging

Template for printing*
Printable tracing paper*
Banknotes or vouchers
Glue roller*
Confetti stars*
Zigzag scissors*
* Advertising


Download the template* and print it out.

Cut out the printed tracing paper with zigzag scissors or regular scissors and glue the edges together with an adhesive roller to create a pocket. Leave one side open for filling.

Fill the bag with confetti and place banknotes or a voucher inside.

Carefully tape the open side closed. The contents are visible through the transparent paper and the confetti trickles out when opened.

The confetti bag is ready!

Money gift to tear open / confetti bags as gift packaging

Money gift to tear open / confetti bags as gift packaging

More simple ideas for money gifts

Would you like more ideas for money gifts? Then click here: Make a card for a money gift for your birthday, a car money gift with money cans in a picture frame or a mini bus with cans as a wedding gift

Money gift to tear open / confetti bags as gift packaging

What are your favorite New Year’s Eve ideas?

See you then. Your Laura

Over Laura

I’m Laura from Berlin & Hamburg. TRYTRYTRY stands for trying new things, pushing yourself to your limits and not giving up, even if you fall down. Here we blog about the topics of food, DIY and the beautiful life.

Source: trytrytry.de

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