Hello friends of Paulina Cocina! Did you believe that physics did not allow the existence of a dry soup? Well yes my heaven, there is a dry soup, just as they read. And how could it be otherwise, this recipe comes from Peru, a country with one of the best cuisines in the world.

But unlike what the name may suggest, it is not called that because of the absence of liquid but for another, much tastier reason that I am going to tell you about later. It is a dish that you may come to know by another name because it became popular in several countries.

Super recommended for a abundant foodthis recipe has noodles, meat and vegetables. It also has very interesting flavors obtained by the fusion of several cultures. It is one of those dishes that will leave our house full of aromas.

About dry soup

It’s a traditional dish of Peruvian cuisine which is characterized by its dry consistency and intense flavors. One of the best known variants is the “dry chinchana soup“, originally from the region of chinchaon the central coast of Peru.

This preparation reflects the diversity of cultural influences that converge in the Peruvian gastronomy. With a thick noodle base and one mix of meats such as chicken, pork or beefis cooked in a tasty broth with chili, garlic, onion and aromatic herbs.

This gastronomic specialty stands out for its unique blend of ingredients and its distinctive flavor, which reflects the culinary richness of the area. The chinchana dry soup recipe has its roots in the fusion of African, indigenous and Spanish influences that converged in the region.

What does this dry soup recipe contain?

The main ingredients of this preparation include thick noodles and meats such as chicken, pork, or beefslowly cooked in a tasty broth seasoned with local spices.

With this recipe something similar happens to the cod porrusalda, the Colombian sancocho and the Ecuadorian encebollado, they are called soup but they differ from the idea we have of this dish.

In addition, ingredients such as chili, garlic, onion and aromatic herbs to enhance the flavors and create a unique culinary experience.

  • The preparation of the dry chinchana soup It is a ritual, where each step is crucial to achieve the desired texture and flavor.

The noodles are cooked in the broth until they completely absorb the flavors, resulting in a dry and juicy consistency at the same time. The result is a comforting dish full of tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation.

Why is it called dry soup?

Name “dry soup” derives from its particular different appearance, compared to other conventional soups. Although it shares the base of noodles and broth, it is distinguished by its characteristic drier and less liquid consistency.

This peculiarity is achieved through a slow cooking processwhere the noodles completely absorb the flavors of the broth and other ingredientsresulting in a juicy but not excessively liquid texture.

The denomination “dry” does not indicate lack of fluidbut rather a significant absorption of juices and aromas in the noodles, creating a unique culinary experience. This name evokes the richness of flavors concentrated in each bite, making the dry soup a distinctive dish in various gastronomic traditions.

The creation of Dry Soup

The recipe is the result of the evolution and fusion of traditions over time. Its origin dates back to the mixture of influences indigenous, African and Spanish in Latin America, particularly in countries like Peru, where notable variants were developed such as dry chinchana soup.

Combining noodles and meats slow cooked in a seasoned broth reflects the diversity of ingredients available in the region. Throughout generations, this preparation has been adapted and perfected by diverse communitiesbecoming an emblematic element of local gastronomy.

When Chinchana Dry Soup was born

The exact date of the creation of the dry soup It is difficult to determine, as this dish has evolved over time as a result of cultural influences and local adaptations. However, it can be argued that it has its roots in the convergence of indigenous, African and Spanish culinary traditions in Latin America, especially in regions such as Peru.

A food that survived all the changes through the centuries and local communities have contributed to the evolution of the recipeincorporating unique ingredients and techniques, making it what it is today.

In its various variants, it has become an emblematic dish that reflects the cultural diversity and gastronomic creativity of the communities that have adopted and adapted it over time.

Dry Soup directly from Ica

The dry Ica soup It is a Peruvian culinary specialty that stands out for its distinctive flavor and roots in the region of Ica, on the central coast of the country. This variant features a unique combination of local ingredients, reflecting the rich Peruvian gastronomic tradition.

  • It is characterized by the use of thick noodles that absorb the intense flavors of a broth seasoned with spices, chili, garlic and onion.

Meats such as chicken, pork or beef are often incorporated, cooked slowly to achieve a juicy but dry texture. The dry soup from Ica It is appreciated for its complex flavor profile and its ability to capture the essence of local culinary culture, being a gastronomic treasure in the diverse offering of Peruvian cuisine. Now that we know everything about this dish, we are ready to make it, let’s see the recipe below.

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And since we are eager to make everything homemade, I leave you here my star video where I show you several ways to make homemade pasta. You’re welcome, tkm.

Dry soup recipe

Yield: 4 portions

Preparation time: 1 hour


  • 250 g thick noodles
  • 300 g chicken, pork or beef, cut into pieces
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 tomatoes, peeled and chopped
  • 1 carrot, cut into cubes
  • 1 red pepper, cut into strips
  • 2 cups chicken broth
  • 2 tablespoons yellow chili paste
  • 2 teaspoons ground cumin
  • 2 teaspoons paprika
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Vegetable oil
  • Fresh parsley, chopped (for garnish)

3 steps to obtain traditional dry soup

  1. In a pot, heat a little oil and brown the meat until it is well sealed. Remove and set aside. In the same pot, sauté the onion and garlic.
  2. Add the tomatoes, carrot and pepper, and cook for 10 minutes over medium-low heat, until the carrots are almost tender. Then add the reserved meat, seasonings, chili paste, salt and pepper.
  3. Pour in the broth and let the mixture boil. Add the noodles and cook in the broth, stirring occasionally, until the broth is completely absorbed and the noodles are al dente, about 10 minutes. Serve hot sprinkled with fresh parsley.
how to make dry soup

Source: www.paulinacocina.net

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