Have you ever thought of redesigning the Duplos and making a gift with duplo sayings to print out Easter with sweet Easter bunnies? Through the name Duplo, which starts with the letters D and U, you can re -formulate great sayings that start with “You”.
Duplo sayings suitable as an Easter gift
Whether as a small souvenir, loving surprise or part of a homemade Easter test – with my packaging, the chocolate bars can be staged perfectly. So today I have a nice gift idea for the duplo you are handicrafts for you. You can give it away for the upcoming Easter. The idea can be implemented with every variety.
The duplo sayings are made so quickly and easily, everyone really can do it! This duplo chocolate idea will all inspire (especially if you are sweet tooth)!
You can also think of your own sayings and write them on a piece of paper with an Easter bunny. Make sure to leave out the word “you”.
Then stick the note on the Duplo bar with an adhesive stick. Positions the paper so that the word “duplo” is covered – except for the first two letters, so that in the end only “you” can be seen.
Alternatively, you can only leave the “D” visible and thus formulate creative sentences. The principle remains the same.
Your duplo sayings are already finished! Below you will find a few ideas for inspiration.

Ideas for messages for a “duplo you are template”
Here I wrote down a few duplo sayings that you can use as messages for your Easter gift if you do not want to use my template:
- … are rabbit strong
- … sweetened Easter
- … are my Easter bunny
- … you are a malig
- … you are wonderful
- … hopped into my heart
Which duplo you are template for the duplo gift would you create yourself for Easter? Do you think more?

That was it with my idea for the duplo you are. Don’t you have enough of homemade Easter gifts? Then try my other ideas. You already know my articles about chocolate crossies Easter nests, egg carton gift packaging for Easter or chocolate Crossies Easter nests.
See you then. Your Laura
Source: trytrytry.de