Hello, friends who are fans of Colombian cooking and recipes! Welcome to Paulina Cocina and another episode where we will talk about a recipe that will surely stay in your memory because of how delicious and simple it is to make: It is Colombian Atollado Rice.

This typical dish from the Cauca Valley in Colombia, is a marvel full of flavor, tradition and, of course, it is made with a lot of love! Let’s explore its history, ingredients, and some tips and tricks so you can make your homemade rice pudding and it turns out perfect.

About rice pudding

Atollado rice is a traditional Colombian dishespecially popular in the Cauca Valley. Its consistency is very characteristic, because it is moist and creamysimilar to a risotto. In most of its versions a great variety of ingredients are combined meats and vegetables which make it very substantial and delicious. It is a perfect dish to share with the family, as it is abundant and filling. In general it is prepared in large quantities to parties and meetings.

Parties and celebrations where rice with atollado is enjoyed

This rice is a very popular dish in various festivities and gatherings family in the Cauca Valley. Some of the most common occasions in which this delicious dish is served include: popular festivals, patron saint festivals and harvest festivals.

Likewise, in smaller meetings, such as the classic ones family gatherings and special events with lots of people. These include birthdays and anniversaries, baptisms, communions and other religious celebrations.

  • Although in cases like Christmas and New Year, the star dish is usually the piglet or roast suckling pigbut the rice pudding It is also a popular choice on the Christmas table.

Finally in community eventssuch as gastronomic festivals, where the culinary wealth of the Cauca Valley is celebrated, in these events the atollado rice is a star for its traditional flavor.

Colombian gastronomic culture and arroz atollado

The Cauca Valley is one of the 32 departments of Colombialocated in the Pacific region. Its capital is Caliknown as the “Salsa Capital of the World”. This department is famous for its cultural diversity, impressive landscapes and rich and varied cuisine, among which the “arroz atollado” stands out.

Other outstanding recipes from this region are: he stew of meat or chickena thick soup with meat, plantain, yuca and corn. Also the aborrajadowhich is ripe plantain stuffed with cheese and fried. And the pandebonoa delicious cheese roll.

4 Tips and tricks for a spectacular rice pudding

  1. Water control: The key to this rice is the amount of water. It should not be too “dry” or too “wet”. If you see that the rice is too dry when serving, add a little more hot water.
  2. The flavor of sofrito: The sautéing of the peppers, garlic and onion is essential. Don’t rush this step, and put all your attention and, above all, love into it, since it is the basis of the flavor of a good rice.
  3. Variety of meats: Although the traditional recipe includes pork, beef and chicken, you can experiment with other meats such as chorizo ​​or bacon to give it a different touch.
  4. Additional vegetables: If you like vegetables a lot, like me, add peas or carrots or green beans. This will give it extra color and a delicious flavor.

Rice with chicken and chorizo: a delicious variation

If we talk about this wonderful dish, we must not forget to mention the chicken version. Ideal for those who want a slightly different version, the rice with chicken and chorizo It is a wonderful option. You will simply have to replace the pork and beef for chorizoand follow the same steps as in the basic recipe. The chorizo ​​will give it a smoky and spicy flavor that you will love.

make homemade rice pudding

Key facts about rice pudding:

  • What does a rice pudding contain? It contains rice, various meats (traditionally pork, beef and chicken), peppers, onion, garlic, as well as some condiments among which we can find: saffron, ground chili, cumin, pepper.
  • What is the difference between rice with atollado and rice with chicken? The main difference is the consistency. Rice with atollado is creamier and moister, similar to risotto, as we said above, while rice with chicken is usually drier and looser.
  • How to make rice with rice from the valley? Valle de Cauca rice follows the basic recipe, but with special attention to the amount of water and cooking time to achieve that creamy texture characteristic of the Cauca Valley.

Prepare un Colombian rice pudding It is a culinary experience worth having. It is a dish that not only feeds the body, but also the soul, full of flavors and traditionSo next time you want to impress your family or friends, go ahead and cook this delicious arroz atollado!

Below we leave you the most classic recipe for this dish. Please note that if there are more than 4 diners, you will simply have to double quantitiesor make some other extra recipe like a good bandeja paisa which is an excellent idea as a starter.

I hope you enjoy preparing and tasting this dish. Until the next recipe, friends!

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Recipe for rice pudding

Yield: 4 servings

Preparation time: 50 minutes


  • 300 grams of long grain white rice
  • 2 tablespoons canola oil
  • 125 grams of pork cut into cubes
  • 125 grams of beef cut into medium cubes
  • 125 grams of boneless, skinless chicken breast, cut into medium cubes
  • 60 grams of chorizo ​​cut into slices
  • 2 green onions, finely chopped
  • ½ seeded red bell pepper, finely chopped
  • 2 very red tomatoes, skinned and seeded, chopped
  • 2 ½ cups vegetable broth
  • 2 potatoes with skin
  • Seasonings: saffron, ground sweet chili, cumin, salt and pepper
  • Optional: peas, green beans, or herbs for serving

How to make rice pudding

  1. In a pot, heat the oil and add the pork. Brown for about 5 minutes over high heat on both sides. Using a wooden spoon, remove the pork and repeat the process with the beef, browning for 5-7 minutes, and then with the chicken for 5-7 minutes. Finish by searing the chorizo ​​for another 5 minutes. Remove and set the meats aside.
  2. In the same pot, cook the green onion, bell pepper and tomato for about 5 minutes. Add the broth and browned meats. Cook over medium heat until the broth boils.
  3. Add the rice and mix all the ingredients well. Cook until the liquid in the rice is dry, approximately 15 minutes. Cover the pot and reduce the heat to minimum.
  4. Add the diced potatoes to the rice, mixing gently. Cook for another 15 minutes or until the potatoes are tender.
  5. Season with saffron, ground sweet chili, cumin, salt and pepper to taste. Serve and top with peas and/or green beans, if desired, and finish with chopped herbs.
how to make rice pudding

Source: www.paulinacocina.net

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