Hello friends of Paulina Cocina! On this occasion we are invited to the refreshing universe of Mexican waters. Today: Jamaican water.

This drink, so popular in Mexico and other parts of Latin America, is known for its refreshing tasteits vibrant red color and its numerous health benefits. Let’s learn everything you need to know to prepare a delicious hibiscus water at home.

Next let’s explore a little of the history of this drink, its ingredientsand I will give you my best tips and tricks to make your version the best of all.

On Jamaican Water

He hibiscus water It is a traditional Mexican drink made from the hibiscus flowerThis plant, scientifically known as Hibiscus Sabdariffais native to Africa and Asia, but has adapted perfectly to the tropical climate of Mexico and other regions of Latin America.

The drink is prepared by infusing the calyxes of the flower in hot or boiling water, and then sweetened to taste. In Mexico, hibiscus water is one of the fresh waters most popular, within the non-alcoholic beverages prepared with fruits, flowers or seeds and water.

Tips and tricks for the best Jamaican water

  • Proper proportions: A common question is ā€œhow much does 100 grams of hibiscus yield?ā€ Approximately, this amount of dried hibiscus flower is enough to prepare 2 liters of hibiscus water, but you can adjust the concentration to taste by adding more or less water.
  • Sweetener: If you prefer a sugar-free version, you can use honey, sweeteners, agave or stevia instead of refined sugar.
  • Variations: Experiment with additional flavors like ginger or mint to add an interesting twist to your hibiscus water.
  • Health benefits: Hibiscus water is known for its antioxidant properties, it helps regulate blood pressure and is a diuretic, which helps eliminate toxins from the body.

Drinking hibiscus water improves your mood

As we said at the beginning, consuming the aJamaican grass has many benefitsbut this one in particular is the one we like the most. Also, always remember to consult with a health professional before making significant changes to your diet, especially if there are pre-existing medical conditions.

  • Some studies have suggested that its consumption may have positive effects on mood and mental health. Its compounds can help reduce stress and anxiety, promoting a feeling of well-being.

Another very popular tea that you might like to have on that list of infusions that are good for us is ginger tea.

Variations of the Jamaican water recipe in different countries or regions

Although the base of this drink It’s the same: dried flowers of hibiscus (Jamaica) The way it is prepared and the additional ingredients can vary significantly depending on the region. Here, I explain how the recipe for Jamaican water varies in different places:

  • Mexico : In Mexicois a traditional drink that is prepared by simply boiling hibiscus flowers in water until they release their color and flavor. some regions, A little cinnamon or cloves are added to give it a special touch.
  • Jamaica : On the island of Jamaicathe hibiscus drink It is known as sorrel. This is a drink traditional of the Christmas festivities and is often mixed with rum to create a festive punch. But in everyday life, the recipe often includes spices such as ginger, cloves, and sometimes cinnamon, which is added during the boiling of the flowers. In addition, it is common to sweeten with honey or brown sugar.
  • Central America : In countries like Guatemala and El Salvador, Jamaican water is prepared in a similar way to that of Mexico, but with some variations. For example, in El Salvador, Some recipes include some lemon juice to give it an acidic touch. In Guatemalait is common to find Jamaica water served with ice and sometimes, mixed with other tropical fruits to create an even more refreshing drink.
  • South America: In South American countries such as Colombia and Venezuelait is common to find variations that include the addition of mint or lemon for a more refreshing taste. You can also sweeten with panelaa type of unrefined sugar typical of the region.

Culinary uses of hibiscus water

Jamaican water is not only a refreshing drink, but it also has a number of benefits. Culinary uses and ideal moments to enjoy it. I’ll tell you more about how and when this delicious drink is consumed and what dishes it can be accompanied with.

  1. As a daily refreshment: This is its most typical use, as a refreshing drink. every day. It’s perfect to accompany daily mealsespecially in warm climates. Its slightly acidic and sweet taste makes it ideal for counteracting spicy and fatty dishes.

In Mexico, it is common prepare hibiscus water in home-cooked meals, accompanying all the variety of dishes you can imagine, from tacos and tamales to enchiladas and stuffed chiles.

  1. At celebrations and parties: In different parts of the world Jamaican water is drunk, as a symbol of celebration. Sorrel is a classic drink during Christmas and other holidays. It can be enjoyed neat or mixed with rum for a festive punch. In Senegal, for example, bissap is a celebratory drink, served at weddings and special events.
  2. As an ingredient in recipes: It can also be used as a flavoring ingredient in various recipes. For example, your extract could be base for sauces and dressingsespecially in dishes that require an acidic touch. It is also used in dessertssuch as gelatins and ice creams, providing a unique color and flavor.

For a perfect pairing, Jamaica water usually accompanies Light and fresh dishes such as salads, ceviches and seafood dishesIts refreshing taste also goes well with Grilled meats and vegetarian dishes.

Should hibiscus water be boiled or not?

A common question is whether hibiscus water should be boiled or can simply be infused directly in hot water, like any other tea. Both techniques are valid, but boil the hibiscus flower helps to extract more flavor and color, making the drink more intense. If you prefer a milder flavor, you can opt for infuse the flowers in hot water without bringing it to a boil.

Comparison of Jamaican water with other fresh waters

This unique and particular drink is just one of the many varieties of fresh waters that are enjoyed in Mexico.

  • Other popular drinks include the horchata watermade of rice, and the tamarind waterEach has its own unique flavor and characteristics, but hibiscus water stands out for its vibrant color and its ability to refresh even on the hottest days.

Now yes, I hope this guide has inspired you to Try the recipe for hibiscus water in your own kitchen. It is a drink that is not only delicious and refreshing, it is also very easy to prepare and full of health benefits.

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Recipe for Jamaican Water


  • 100 grams of dried hibiscus flower
  • 2 liters of water
  • Necessary amount of sugar or sweetener
  • Extra: ice, lemon juice (actually, it doesn’t have any, but it gives it a cool and acidic touch)

How to make hibiscus water

  1. In a large pot, put 2 liters of water and bring to a boil. Add the 100 grams of dried hibiscus flowers and let it boil for about 10 minutes.
  2. After boiling, remove the pot from the heat and let the mixture sit for about 20 minutes. This allows the flavors to intensify. Then, strain the liquid to remove the hibiscus flowers.
  3. Pour the hibiscus concentrate into a jar and add sugar or your preferred sweetener. Stir well until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  4. At the end you can add more water, lemon juice and/or ice.
how to make hibiscus water

Source: www.paulinacocina.net

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