Welcome to a new recipe on Paulina Cocina. Today we are going to talk about a food traditional Chilean cuisine: Pan Amasado, a soft bread with a light buttery flavour that has won over hearts and palates.

It is delicious homemade bread It is perfect to accompany a good breakfast, a family meal or to prepare a delicious sandwich.

Get ready and make yourselves comfortable because we are going to start a journey through the world of kneaded breadexploring its history, its characteristics, the secrets to making it perfect and, of course, a recipe for kneaded bread to make at home.

About Kneaded Bread

He kneaded bread It is a type of artisan bread typical of Chile, characterized by its soft crumb and crispy crust. Unlike industrial bread, kneaded bread is made from artisanal waywhich gives it a unique flavor and texture.

  • The dough of kneaded bread It is worked by hand and cooked in a clay or wood oven, although it can also be baked in a conventional oven.

The dough of this delicious bread is distinguished by its simplicity and authenticity. Its texture and flavor is similar to the “figacitas” from Argentina. Its ingredients are basic: flour, water, salt, yeast and, in some recipes, a little fat like butter or oil.

This simplicity in the ingredients is characteristic of this bread and is what allows it to have that particular flavor of kneaded bread. I can also recommend another very simple homemade bread recipe: Homemade Bread Recipe for Beginners

Who created the Kneaded Bread? Its History

The history of kneaded bread It dates back to Chile’s peasant roots, where it became an essential part of the daily diet. Although it cannot be attributed to a single person, its origin is deeply linked to Chilean rural customs.

In rural areas, families used to make their own bread in clay ovensusing simple ingredients and traditional methods passed down from generation to generation.

  • He kneaded bread It has been a central element in the life of Chilean communities, not only as a food, but also as a symbol of hospitality and generosity. In many homes, kneaded bread is baked daily, and it is common to offer a piece of this bread to visitors as a gesture of welcome.

How to Make Bread Kneaded with Oil

Making bread kneaded with oil is a Delicious and easy variation of the traditional recipe. Oil gives kneaded bread an even softer texture and a slightly different, but equally delicious, flavor.

  • To prepare it this way, simply replace butter or margarine from the original recipe by vegetable oilsuch as olive oil or sunflower oil.

The process is simple, first the dry ingredients are mixed together, then the oil is added and then warm water to form a dough. The dough is kneaded by hand until smooth and elastic, left to rest and then individual loaves are formed before being baked until tender. golden and crispy on the outside.

Characteristics of Kneaded Bread

  • Unique texture: The crumb is soft and fluffy, while its crust is slightly crunchy, creating a perfect contrast in every bite.
  • Balanced flavor: Thanks to its artisanal production, kneaded bread has an authentic and natural flavour, without the additives or preservatives of industrial bread.
  • Versatility: It is perfect to accompany any meal, whether with butter and jam for breakfast, or with pebre (pico de gallo) and cheese for eleven (Chilean snack).
  • Delicious aroma: The smell of freshly baked bread is unmistakable and evokes memories of childhood and home.
  • Nutritious: Being an artisanal kneaded bread, it can be more nutritious than other processed breads, since high-quality ingredients can be used without artificial additives.

The best uses for kneaded bread

Kneaded bread is extremely versatile and can be enjoyed in many ways.

  • Breakfast: With butter and a delicious apricot or other fruit jam, accompanied by a cup of coffee or tea.
  • Once: With fresh cheese and pebre, a classic Chilean combination.
  • Food: As an accompaniment to soups and stews, absorbing all the flavours of the main dish. Ideal for dipping into the sauce of a good meat stew.
  • Picnic: Perfect to take to the countryside, ideal for making sandwiches with cold cuts and fresh vegetables.
  • Snacks: Simply on its own, hot and fresh from the oven, it is a delight in itself.

How to Preserve Kneaded Bread

  • Store in a cool, dry place: Keep the kneaded bread in a cloth bag or bread box so that it can breathe and not get damp.
  • Freeze: When you make a large amount and you are not going to eat it within a few days, it is best to freeze the kneaded bread. To defrost it, simply leave it at room temperature or warm it slightly in the oven.
  • Avoid the refrigerator: The refrigerator can cause kneaded bread to dry out faster, so it is best to keep it at room temperature or freeze it.

How to Make Easy Kneaded Bread

  • Using fresh yeast: It is important to check that the yeast is active and fresh for a good leavening.
  • Controlling the water temperature: The water should be warm, not hot, this is essential to activate the yeast without killing it.
  • Do not skip rest: Resting is essential for the dough to acquire the right texture and size.
  • Knead well: Take time to knead to develop the gluten and obtain an elastic dough.
  • Baking at the correct temperature: Preheat the oven well so that the kneaded bread bakes evenly and develops a good crust.
kneaded bread paulina kitchen

Tips, Advice and Secrets for Making Kneaded Bread

  • Use good quality flour: Strong flour is ideal for this type of preparation.
  • Knead vigorously: Kneading is a process that requires patience and dedication.
  • Try different fats: Experiment with sunflower oil, olive oil or butter to find your preferred flavor.
  • Baking in a clay oven: If you have access to a clay oven, make the most of it. The flavour and texture of the kneaded bread will be unbeatable.
  • Add seeds: For a different touch, sesame or sunflower seeds will add texture and flavor to the kneaded bread.
  • Try different yeasts: Experiment with dry or fresh yeast to see which gives the best results. The recipe can also be made with sourdough.

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Kneaded bread recipe

Yield: 12 servings

Preparation time: 2 hours


  • 1 kg of wheat flour
  • 20 g of salt
  • 20 g fresh yeast
  • 8g of sugar (one teaspoon)
  • 600 ml of warm water
  • 50 g butter, margarine or oil

How to make kneaded bread step by step

  1. In a large bowl, form a volcano with the flour and salt. Dissolve the fresh yeast in a little warm water along with a teaspoon of sugar and pour it into the centre of the flour volcano.
  2. Add the rest of the warm water little by little, while mixing the ingredients by hand or with a cornet until obtaining a homogeneous mixture.
  3. Add the butter, margarine or oil to the dough and mix well until all the ingredients are completely integrated.
  4. Place the dough on a floured surface and knead vigorously for about 10 minutes, until smooth and elastic.
  5. Form the dough into a ball and place it in a lightly floured bowl. Cover with a damp cloth and let it rest in a warm place for about 1 hour, or until doubled in size.
  6. After resting, divide the dough into 12 equal portions and form into balls. Place them on a lightly floured or greased baking tray. Cover with a cloth and let rest for about 20 minutes.
  7. Preheat the oven to 200°C. Before baking, make a small cut in the top of each dough ball or prick it with a fork to allow for expansion during baking.
  8. Bake the rolls for about 20-25 minutes, or until golden and crispy on the outside. Remove from the oven and allow to cool on a wire rack before enjoying.
how to make kneaded bread

Source: www.paulinacocina.net

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