Dear readers, welcome to Paulina Cocina! Today I bring you a recipe that you will love for its simplicity and unique flavor: Milanese on HorsebackThis classic dish is not only delicious, but it’s also perfect for any occasion where you want to eat something different but not too much.

Join me to discover the charm of a dish that combines breaded meat made Milanesewith the delight of a fried eggIts popularity is due to its classic flavor that combines the best of two worlds and the creativity it allows in its presentation.

The mixture of flavors so well combined makes Milanesa a caballo con fritas an irresistible option in restaurants and at home. Today we are going to review each point of this recipe so that you can prepare it with your own hands. Milanese on horseback more perfect and delicious. Plus, we’ll give you tips on the best accompaniments and variations of this iconic dish.

About Milanese on Horseback

If you are looking for a recipe that combines traditional Argentine meat with the flavor of different ingredients and a unique presentation, you have come to the right place. Milanese on horseback with French fries and a fried egg is a classic that never goes out of style and conquers everyone with its perfect combination of breaded meat and a fried egg on top.

The distinctive element of the Milanese on horseback is the golden and creamy yolk of the fried egg. This becomes the perfect complement that cannot be missing in this dish to combine perfectly with the crunchy texture of the breaded meat. Each bite of Milanesa a caballo is a unique culinary experience to delight the senses.

How to Achieve a Perfect Milanesa

The key to making an excellent Milanesa a caballo is to start by achieving a perfect Milanesa. How is it done? It is easy but has its tricks, but we trust in our skills.

First, the base, a Milanese, which basically consists of breaded meat that is then cooked in hot oil, achieving a crispy coating that encloses the juiciness of the meat inside.

Now let’s move on, to get the Milanese twist on horseback We need to leave the Milanese to one side and prepare a fried egg. There is no more secret to this than breaking an egg into hot oil and letting the magic happen. At the end we place this on top of the Milanese to create a harmonious combination that is simply delicious.

History and Origin of Milanese on Horseback

Milanesa a caballo has its roots in Italian cuisine, but throughout its history as an easy and delicious dish it has been adopted by different parts of the world and adapted in different ways in many Spanish-speaking countries, especially in Argentina.

  • The term “milanesa” comes from Milan, Italy, where the famous “cotoletta alla milanese” was prepared.

The version of Milanese “a caballo” is a very creative Creole creation where a fried egg is added on top of the Milanese, giving rise to a visually attractive and gustatory presentation.

What does “a Caballo” mean in gastronomy?

The term “a caballo” in gastronomy simply refers to the incorporation of a Extra ingredient on Milanese. Which in this case is the fried egg. In the Milanese a caballo, this technique provides an extra layer of flavor and texturecreating a balanced and delicious experience.

Tips for a Perfect Milanesa a Caballo

To achieve the perfect Milanese on horsebackit is important to pay attention to each step of the process. An additional but not minor detail, do not forget to season each component well to highlight all the flavors of the dish.

  • First, the meat: Make sure the meat is tender; at this point you can choose beef, chicken, pork or veal according to your preference.
  • Second, the breading: This should give us a crispy, golden layer. To achieve this, it is crucial to coat the meat in flour, beaten egg, and breadcrumbs in that order.
  • Third, frying: This dish usually involves a lot of frying, both with the Milanese and with the egg. Frying in hot oil guarantees a crispy texture.
  • The point of the fried egg: This is an extra detail but one that you should keep in mind. If you like, you could consider leaving the yolk slightly runny, since this way it mixes very well with the Milanese, it is the famous golden yolk.

Variations of Milanesa a Caballo that You Must Try

This Milanese is such a versatile dish that it can be adapted to different tastes and occasions. And here I want to stop for a minute. For lovers of intense flavors, the Milanese with chimichurri adds a touch of garlic and parsley that elevates the dish to another level. In this world, the brave triumphs, as does the one who dares to experiment. And this Milanese allows you to play around until you find your favorite version.

  • An interesting variant is the Milanese with Creole saucewhere a tomato, onion and pepper sauce is added to the Milanese before placing the fried egg.
  • Another option is the Milanese a Caballo gratinada, which, as you can imagine, includes a layer of melted cheese between the Milanese and the egg. This is a favorite for many because it creates a very nice extra combination of textures and flavors.

Perfect Accompaniments for Milanesa a Caballo

  • Creamy Mashed Potatoes: This side dish offers a smooth, creamy texture that contrasts nicely with the crispy Milanese and fried egg. The combination of flavors is comforting and classic.
  • Fresh salad: A fresh, crunchy salad serves as a light and healthy accompaniment to balance the indulgence of the Milanesa a Caballo. You can opt for a green salad with a variety of vegetables and dressings that enhance the flavors.
  • White rice: This is a neutral accompaniment that complements Milanesa a Caballo very well. Its soft texture and ability to absorb juices and flavors make it a popular choice.
  • Roasted vegetables: Roasted vegetables, such as carrots, broccoli or peppers, offer a colorful and flavorful option. Baking brings out the natural flavors of the vegetables, creating an interesting contrast with the Milanese and egg.
  • French fries: While French fries are an integral part of some horse preparations, they can also be served as an additional side dish. The crispy fries add an indulgent touch that complements the Milanese and egg.

And there you have it, we are ready to start cooking a delicious recipe for Milanesa a Caballo that will delight the whole family. Don’t wait any longer to try this classic dish that always gets everyone out of a tight spot and leaves them satisfied. Let’s cook!

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how to make Milanese on horseback

Milanese on horseback recipe

Yields: 4 servings

Preparation time: 40 minutes


  • 4 steaks (beef, chicken, pork or veal)
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Flour for breading
  • 2 eggs
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Oil for frying
  • 4 eggs for frying (one for each Milanese)

The best Milanese on horseback in 5 steps

  1. Season the beef fillets with salt and pepper to taste. Prepare three deep plates: one with 1 cup of flour, another with 2 beaten eggs, and the third with 2 cups of breadcrumbs.
  2. Coat each fillet in the plates in the order mentioned (flour, beaten eggs and breadcrumbs). Make sure to coat each fillet well.
  3. Heat enough oil in a large frying pan over medium heat (enough to fill up to 2cm deep). Fry the milanesas for 3-4 minutes on each side, depending on the thickness of the meat, until golden and cooked through. Remove and drain on absorbent paper.
  4. Finally, fry the 4 eggs in plenty of hot oil, one by one, over medium heat until the whites are cooked and the yolks are done to the desired point.
  5. Place a fried egg on top of each fried Milanese. Serve hot with the garnish of your choice (such as mashed potatoes, salad or rice).


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