Hello friends of Paulina KitchenOn this occasion we are summoned by the synchronized. A traditional recipe of MexicoThis dish consists of a simple but delicious preparation.

Classic synchronized are made using two flour tortillas of wheat stuffed with cheese and, generally, some kind of meat, like ham, chicken or chorizo. Son very versatile and can be adapted to different tastes and preferences. It can be accompanied with guacamole, salsa, cream, or any other dressing of your choice.

This dish reflects the richness of Mexican cuisinewhich combines basic ingredients with traditional preparation techniques to create unique and comforting flavours. Today we are going to see how to make them and put them to good use.

About the Mexican Synchronized

Mexican synchronized are a typical dish that, although similar to quesadillas, is distinguished by using Two flour tortillas filled with cheese and hamThat is why they are often known as ham synchronized, because if they only had cheese, they would be like this.

  • This Mexican recipe has a history reflecting the simplicity and versatility of Mexican cuisine.

Although they do not have as long a documented history as other traditional Mexican dishes, they are a relatively modern creation that has gained popularity for its flavor and ease of preparation. These have become an option practical and delicious for the breakfastthe cena o one whim at any time of the day.

Origin and Evolution of the Synchronized Recipe

  • Inspiration of the Quesadilla: They share similarities with quesadillas, an older recipe that also uses tortillas and cheeseThe main difference is that quesadillas can be made with corn or flour tortillas and are usually folded, while synchronous ones use two flour tortillas, one on top of the other, and are filled with cheese and ham.
  • Modern Influences: As Mexican cuisine has evolved, it has adopted ingredients and techniques from other cultures. Synchradas reflect this fusion, incorporating ingredients such as ham, which is not native to Mexico but has been fully integrated into the Mexican diet.
  • Popularity: It is They have become a staple on the menu of many Mexican houses and restaurants due to their simplicity and versatility. They are a quick and nutritious option that can be prepared with common ingredients.
  • Regional Variants: Like many Mexican dishes, there are variations depending on the region and tastes. Some include additional ingredients or accompaniments such as guacamole, or just avocado, with different types of meatincluding vegetables, adapting to available ingredients and local preferences.

Cultural significance of Mexican synchronized dancing

Although it is a very simple preparation, they represent the essence of Mexican cuisine: the ability to create something delicious and satisfying from basic ingredients.

  • This is an example of how Mexican cuisine can be humble, but full of richness in flavorhighlighting the creativity and adaptability of its culinary traditions.

In short, although they do not have an ancient or complicated history, their creation and popularization reflect the evolution of Mexican cuisine and its ability to adapt and reinvent itself over time.

The best cheese for your homemade synchronized dances

Cheese is one of the main ingredients and its choice can significantly influence the flavor and texture of the dishHere are some types of cheese that are popular for this preparation:

Mexican Cheeses:

  1. Oaxaca cheese: Similar to mozzarella, it is a fresh, semi-soft cheese that shreds easily.
    Features: It has a smooth and creamy flavor and melts very well.
    Use: Ideal for synchronized food due to its ability to melt and bind tortillas.
  1. Chihuahua Cheese: Also known as Mennonite cheese, it is a semi-hard, pale yellow cheese.
    Features: It has a mild but slightly stronger flavor than Oaxaca cheese.
    Use: It melts well and adds a more robust flavor to the synchronized ones.
  1. Manchego cheese (Mexican version): It is similar to the Spanish manchego, but made with cow’s milk instead of sheep’s milk.
    Features: Semi-soft and with a mild flavor, it melts easily.
    Use: Popular in synchronized cuisine for its texture and balanced flavor.

Other cheeses:

  • Mozzarella: A fresh cheese of Italian origin, known for its melting ability. It is soft and creamy, with a delicate flavour. It works well in symphony, especially if you are looking for a soft, elastic texture.
  • Queso Monterrey Jack: Semi-soft cheese of American origin, with a mild flavor. It melts easily and has a slightly sweet taste. Excellent for synchronized dishes, offering a good texture and flavor.
  • Cheddar: Cheese of English origin, available in various ages, from mild to mature. Stronger flavour and creamy texture when melted. It gives a more intense flavour to the synchronous cheeses, ideal if you are looking for a different touch.

2 basic tips to improve synchronized swimming

  1. Cheese Combination: You can mix different types of cheese to achieve a combination of flavors and textures. For example, combining Oaxaca cheese with cheddar can offer a well-balanced combination of creaminess and intense flavor.
  2. Add other Ingredients: In addition to cheese and ham, you can add ingredients such as tomato slices, jalapeños, caramelized onions or avocado to improve the flavor and texture.

The choice of cheese will depend on your preferences and what you have available, but any of these cheeses can make your sincronizadas delicious and satisfying.

Ready! Now it’s time to cook and enjoy some delicious homemade sincronizadas.

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easy recipe for synchronized

Recipe for Synchronized

Yield: 2 units

Preparation time: 15 minutes


  • 4 wheat flour tortillas
  • 200 grams of cheese (can be Oaxaca cheese, Manchego, mozzarella, or whatever you like best)
  • 200 grams of ham (can be pork, turkey, or your favorite)
  • Butter/lard or oil (for toasting tortillas)
  • Extras: tomato, jalapeños, onion, salsa, guacamole, or any other dressing to accompany.

Preparation of homemade synchronized fish

  1. Preheat a large skillet over medium heat. Add a small amount of butter, lard or oil (about 1 teaspoon) to the pan.
  2. Place a tortilla on the hot pan. Spread a generous layer of grated cheese over the tortilla. Then place the slices of ham on top of the cheese.
  3. At this point, consider adding other ingredients such as tomato slices, jalapeños or onions.
  4. Cover with another tortilla on top and press lightly with a spatula so that they adhere together.
  5. Cook the sincronizada for about 2-3 minutes or until the bottom tortilla is golden and the cheese begins to melt. Then, carefully flip it over using a spatula and cook the other side for another 2-3 minutes, until it is also golden and the cheese is completely melted.
  6. Repeat the steps with the other two tortillas and the rest of the ingredients.
  7. Cut the symptons into quarters or halves and serve hot. Serve with salsa, guacamole, fresh herbs, or any other seasoning of your choice.
how to make synchronized

Source: www.paulinacocina.net

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