Dear friends, welcome to Paulina Cocina! Today we have a recipe that comes directly from the sunny shores of the Aegean, where the blue of the sea blends with the white of the houses. Yes, it is the Greek salad!

To make a good one greek salad recipe must be taken into account key ingredients that cannot be missed, but also some details and tricks that make this dish elegant, and that can be the envy of your aunt when you cook it at the next family lunch.

In this note we give you everything you need to know to prepare an exquisite Greek salad with feta cheese and more! Stay until the end because it’s a must-read.

About Greek Salad

A traditional Greek salad is an ode to simplicity and freshness. Traditional ingredients are often cucumbers, tomato, onion, kalamata olives, and the inevitable feta cheeseThis cheese, with its firm texture and slightly salty flavor, is what gives the salad its unmistakable touch.

The real one The magic of a feta salad It’s not just about the ingredients, but how they’re combined. This is where the dressing comes into play. A good greek salad dressing includes extra virgin olive oil, oregano, salt, pepper, and a splash of wine vinegar.

Why is it called Greek salad?

The answer to this question is simpler than you might think. Like many dishes named after a country or region, this salad is a representation of the flavors and products of Greek gastronomy.

  • The Greek salad It is a famous dish in Greece, just like moussaka; it originated in the rural areas of the country, where farmers used what they had on hand: fresh vegetables from the garden, olives from olive treesand feta cheese which was traditionally made from sheep or goat milk.

This dish has become a symbol of the Mediterranean dietwhich is famous for its focus on fresh, healthy ingredients.

Origin of the Greek Salad

Let’s talk a little bit about history, the origin of this salad dates back to the ancient culinary traditions of the Mediterranean. In Greece, this type of salad is known as “horizontal”which translates as “peasant salad”, which we can relate to the country salad, so traditional in Spain.

And it is no coincidence, since this salad has been for centuries a classic dish among Greek farmers, who used the freshest products from their lands. simplicity this salad It is not accidental, but rather a necessity.

Greek Salad Highlights

  • Freshness of the ingredients: There is no place for low-quality products here. Tomatoes must be ripe and juicy, crunchy cucumbersand the onions, preferably red, to give it that sweet touch that balances the whole.
  • The role of feta cheese: Feta cheese is the soul of the salad. It is important that it is authentic, that is, made from sheep or goat milk. Avoid, if possible, industrial versions which, although they may be cheaper, do not offer the flavour or texture you are looking for.
  • Kalamata Olives: These olives typically GreekThey have a distinctive flavor, slightly bitter and salty, which adds depth to the salad.
  • Simple but effective vinaigrette: A good Greek salad dressing needs nothing more than extra virgin olive oil, dried oregano, salt, pepper, and a touch of wine vinegarThe key is not to overpower it; we want the natural flavors to shine.
  • Cutting the ingredients: The ingredients are cut into medium and uneven pieces. This is not a mistake, but part of their rustic charm.

Variations of Greek Salad

  • Greek salad with lettuce: A popular variant includes lettuce to give it a lighter, crispier touch. A base of fresh lettuce, usually romaine, adds volume and texture without detracting from the traditional ingredients.
  • Greek salad with spiralized cucumber: For a more modern and visually appealing twist, use a spiralizer or potato peeler to slice the cucumber. This not only gives it a fun texture, but also allows it to better absorb the dressing.
  • Gourmet Greek Salad: To turn this salad into a more sophisticated dish you can add ingredients such as capers, radishes the included one touch of honey in the vinaigrette. These additions will give it a gourmet touch without losing its essence.

The perfect dressing for Greek salad

He dressing for greek salad of cucumber It’s simple, but no less important. It’s the connecting point that makes all the ingredients blend together in perfect harmony.

  • Extra virgin olive oil: It is the heart of this dressing.
  • Oregano: Dried oregano is the star here, but if you have fresh oregano you can also use it for an extra touch of freshness.
  • Salt and pepper: To taste, but keep in mind that the feta cheese already provides saltiness.
  • Wine vinegar: Just a splash, enough to give it that acidic touch that balances the flavors.
  • Extras: A little lemon or garlic powder are differential touches that are up to the diner’s taste.

Tips for preparing the best Greek salad

  1. Use seasonal ingredients: The key is to use fresh produce that is at its best. Buy tomatoes in the summer, when they are sweeter, and look for fresh cucumbers that are firm to the touch.
  2. Let the dressing rest: Once prepared, let the dressing rest for a few minutes so that the flavors integrate.
  3. Playing with textures: Although traditional Greek salad is made with medium-sized pieces of vegetables, you can vary it a little, for example by cutting the cucumbers into thin slices or the tomatoes into smaller cubes for a different texture.
  4. Add a touch of fresh herbs: In addition to oregano, you can innovate by including fresh basil or mintThis gives a different and refreshing touch to the salad.
  5. Customize the salad: Once we know the Classical greek salad recipe You can innovate and make your own version. Ingredients such as roasted peppers, homemade pickles, avocado (avocado) or even grilled chicken pieces can be very good. In fact, the Greek salad with chicken It is a complete meal, ideal to enjoy the salad as a single dish.

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Greek Salad Recipe

Yields: 4 servings

Preparation time: 20 minutes


  • 4 medium, ripe and juicy tomatoes (or ½ kg cherry tomatoes)
  • 1 large, firm, fresh cucumber.
  • 1 medium red onion.
  • 150 g black olives (preferably Kalamata)
  • 200 g of feta cheese made from sheep or goat milk)
  • 1 lettuce plant (optional)
  • Extra virgin olive oil (approx. 60 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon dried oregano.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.
  • Wine vinegar (1-2 tablespoons).
  • Optional: Fresh oregano or basil for garnish.

How to make Greek salad step by step

  1. Wash the vegetables thoroughly. Cut the tomatoes into medium-sized pieces and the cucumber into cubes. Cut the onion into thin slices. If using lettuce, remove the leaves and cut into large pieces.
  2. Cut the feta cheese into medium-sized cubes, taking care not to crumble it too much, and add the olives, preferably pitted, to make them easier to eat.
  3. For the dressing, mix the olive oil with the dried oregano, salt, pepper and wine vinegar in a small bowl. Pour over the salad and mix gently so that all the ingredients are well coated. Let it rest for a few minutes before serving.
  4. Serve the Greek salad on a large plate, garnishing with fresh oregano or a few basil leaves.
How to make homemade Greek salad


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