Welcome dear followers of Paulina Cocina! On this occasion we are going to talk about an Argentine creation: the Cremona. It is a delicacy that It would be like a flaky breadwho in addition to being super rich, It is very traditional to see it in all bakeries or accompanying any mate situation, whether in the workplace, in the homes or in the squares.

In this note, we are going to tell you What is a cremone, why is it called that, what is its origin, how should it be prepared at home?and what are the secrets to achieve the perfect flavor and texture of this very Argentine delicacy and, as always, a cremones recipe super complete and detailed.

About Cremona

In simple terms, cremona is a delicious baked dough and flaky pastry that has conquered the hearts of bakery lovers in Argentina. Its crunchy texture on the outside and soft inside make it the perfect accompaniment to a good mate or coffee with milk.

This delicacy stands out not only for its exquisite flavor, but also for its versatility. The cremones They are perfect to enjoy at any time of the day, although they are usually the protagonists of breakfasts and snacks.. We are not just talking about a delicacy to taste, but also about an important part of Argentine gastronomic tradition and culture.

Its popularity has grown over the years, becoming a classic that is shared and enjoyed at family gatherings, informal gatherings and, of course, in the daily lives of Argentine homes.

Characteristics of homemade cremones

  1. Unique texture: The cremone stands out for its golden and crunchy exterior that hides a tender and fluffy crumb.
  2. unmistakable flavor: The texture of the dough combined with the richness of the fat or butter, gives it an unmatched flavor.
  3. Form: Its circular shape and with keys is part of its most characteristic feature.
  4. Versatility: Although it can be enjoyed at any time, they are usually very present at breakfast or snack time.
  5. Tempting aromas: The perfume that invades the kitchen while baking is simply irresistible.
  6. Argentine tradition: They represent the tradition and gastronomic culture of Argentina, since they usually accompany another very traditional drink in that country, mate.

Who invented the cremone and why is it called that?

It is believed that the Argentine cremona has its roots in European immigration, precisely in Italy.since the name comes from an Italian municipality located in Lombardy, which bears that name and is famous for being the birthplace of violinists and artisans of musical instruments, but also a land of Italian breads and focaccias.

Although there is no specific inventor of cremones, It is believed that it was an immigrant from that city who baptized this creation, finding some reference to his homeland. and that results in this bread that also has some similarity with invoices, like croissants, but with a very particular shape.

Each bakery can have its own version of this flaky delicacy, even with certain differences in different regions of the country, which contributes to the diversity of flavors and textures that can be found.

How much does a cremone weigh?

The weight of a cremone can vary, since in bakeries there are individual versions for that moment of selfish enjoyment, which weigh around 100 grams, but there are also sizes for sharing, which tend to be the ones that sell the most.

These sharing versions can range in weight from 400 g to 1 kg. It all depends on the occasion in which you are going to enjoy it and, of course, the company.

How to make cremones: tips and secrets

  • The quality of the butter or fat: Using good quality butter or beef fat is key to achieving that unmistakable flavor.
  • Ingredient temperature: Making sure the ingredients are at room temperature ensures a homogeneous mixture.
  • Rise times: It is important that the dough rests each time so that it takes on the typically airy texture.
  • Knead with love: Kneading the dough patiently and making the necessary folds is essential to achieve the perfect texture.
  • Preheat the oven: Making sure the oven is hot is essential to achieving that perfect browning.
  • Cooking time: It is important not to overcook or undercook, it is best to know the oven in which you are going to prepare them, to avoid surprises.

When to enjoy a cremona in Argentina

Cremones are always welcome and their versatility allows them to be enjoyed on various occasions.

  • Breakfasts and snacks: They are ideal to accompany mate or coffee, either as they come or spread with butter and homemade dulce de leche. A delight!
  • At lunch, brunch or snacks: Many people choose the stuffed and salty versions, which can be used as a sandwich with the classic combination of ham and cheese, or add olives, dried tomatoes and a little olive oil. Simply irresistible!
  • Cremonas stuffed sweets for the afternoon: There are also versions that are filled with quince jelly, sweet potato or even dulce de leche, which look more like a bill, but have a more bittersweet flavor. Ideal for fans of these combinations.

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Homemade cremone recipe

Yield: 4 portions

Preparation: 2 hours and half


  • 500 g of 0000 flour
  • 15 grams of fresh yeast
  • 1 tablespoon of salt
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 200 cm3 of warm water
  • 125g butter
  • 3 tablespoons of flour
  • Egg (for brushing)

How to make butter cremones step by step

  1. Mix the flour with the salt and make a well in the center. Crumble the yeast into the well and add the sugar and warm water. Integrate with your hands, form a smooth ball and knead for a few minutes. Let it rise for about 30′ until it doubles in volume.
  2. Meanwhile, integrate the butter at room temperature with the 3 tablespoons of flour and place it on a piece of plastic wrap or nylon, stretch it into a rectangular shape with the help of a rolling pin and cover it with another piece of plastic wrap or nylon. Place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  3. Knead the dough for a few minutes and stretch it with a rolling pin, giving it a rectangular shape, a little larger than the rectangle of butter. Place the butter inside, removing it from the film and fold the dough, so that it surrounds the butter, close it like a book and let it rest in the cold for about 15 minutes, covered.
  4. Preheat the oven to high temperature. Remove the dough from the cold, stretch it with the rolling pin again and fold it again twice as if it were a book. It should be a long rectangle, as if it were a rolled or pionono, but flattened. Put it in the refrigerator for about 15 more minutes.
  5. Repeat step 6 once more and make knife cuts of about 2 or 3 centimeters, without going all the way, as if they were piano keys. Join the ends and let them rest on an oiled roasting pan for 15 more minutes.
  6. Brush with egg and put in the oven. Cook for around 20 or 25 minutes. Remove and let cool on a rack.

Source: www.paulinacocina.net

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