For a special gift you should make this flower soap yourself. Especially when it looks as beautiful as this one decorated with flowers. It’s a simple gift idea for everyone or for people who already have everything.

Make soap yourself: especially beautiful with flowers

Pouring soap is not only easy, it is also a creative gift idea for birthdays or Mother’s Day. Especially with dried flowers, this idea not only looks good, the flower soap also smells really good! In this article I will show you how you can easily pour soap yourself.

It’s so easy to make this flower soap yourself:



Melt the raw soap according to the package instructions. This can usually be done in the microwave. Then mix the soap with a few drops of soap scent.


The soap hardens quickly, so quickly spread the dried flowers on the soap.


Place in the refrigerator for about half an hour and then remove from the mold.


For decorative purposes, the soap can be wrapped several times with yarn and tied up. Complete!

Flower soap

soap mold*
250g Rohseife*
dried flowers*
soap scent*

* Advertising // Amazon Affiliate Link: If you buy something through these links, I receive a small commission. This means that the product does NOT cost you any more!


Buy dried flowers or dry flowers yourself. You can read how to do this in this article.

Melt the raw soap according to the package instructions. This can usually be done in the microwave. Then mix the soap with a few drops of soap scent.

The soap hardens quickly, so quickly spread the dried flowers on the soap.

Place in the refrigerator for about half an hour and then remove from the mold.

For decorative purposes, the soap can be wrapped several times with yarn and tied up. Complete!

Make DIY soap with flowers

Make your own soap as a gift idea

With these instructions you can easily pour flower soap. As you can see, you don’t need many ingredients. You can also modify the idea, for example drying herbs. Or you mix them with orange slices, like I tried with this version before.

More easy gift ideas

Would you like more ideas for simple gifts? Then click here: Make DIY mini gifts/small things for Christmas, print out Duplo sayings (as a gift idea) or make your own souvenirs/small gifts for Christmas.

Make DIY soap with flowers

Make DIY soap with flowers

What are your favorite and most creative ideas for gifts?

See you then. Your Laura

Over Laura

I’m Laura from Berlin & Hamburg. TRYTRYTRY stands for trying new things, pushing yourself to your limits and not giving up, even if you fall down. Here we blog about the topics of food, DIY and the beautiful life.


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