Have you ever thought of making your own heart-shaped seed bombs for Mother’s Day? In this blog post I will explain step-by-step how it works!

Mother’s Day on May 14th is approaching and that’s why I brought you a cute little idea for seed bombs today. You can give them to your moms in the shape of a heart.

Duplo sayings that come from the heart

The seed bombs can easily be planted in a flower pot with soil, be it on the balcony or the windowsill. The seeds will sprout and the little flowers will slowly sprout, so that even when you are far away, you will be mentally connected. Here Laura shares her instructions for the DIY idea to add a special touch to her Mother’s Day cards. When you’re done, you can add a loving note to your Mother’s Day greeting, put it in an envelope, and take it to the post office. That way, your moms will know you’re thinking of them, even though Mother’s Day will be different than usual this year.

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Tear the construction paper into small pieces.


Place the snippets in a bowl and pour lukewarm water over them until all the snippets float loosely in the water.


Let the construction paper soak in the water for about two hours, stirring the paper mixture occasionally.


Take the scraps of paper, which have now softened, out of the water and squeeze them out lightly. They should still be slightly damp.


Place some of the paper pulp in a heart cookie cutter and lightly seal with a cork.


Spread some flower seeds on the hearts and press them again.


When everything is nice and firm, you can carefully remove the seed bombs from the mold.


Leave the hearts on a warm heater overnight, or dry them for two days without a heater.


Cut out a 12 x 11 cm rectangle from the same construction paper that you used for the seed bombs.


Cut two slits in the middle with a utility knife. The slits should each be 8 cm long and spaced 1.5 cm apart.


Write a nice greeting in the space between the slots.


When the seed bombs are completely dry, put them in the packaging and give them away to a loved one.


The seed bombs are planted in the ground after being given away and later grow into beautiful flowers.

Heart shaped seed bombs

construction paper*
Heart Cookie Cutters*
wine corks*
base or wooden board
lukewarm water
flower seeds*


Tear the construction paper into small pieces.

Place the snippets in a bowl and pour lukewarm water over them until all the snippets float loosely in the water.

Let the construction paper soak in the water for about two hours, stirring the paper mixture occasionally.

Take the scraps of paper, which have now softened, out of the water and squeeze them out lightly. They should still be slightly damp.

Place some of the paper pulp in a heart cookie cutter and lightly seal with a cork.

Spread some flower seeds on the hearts and press them again.

When everything is nice and firm, you can carefully remove the seed bombs from the mold.

Leave the hearts on a warm heater overnight, or dry them for two days without a heater.

In the meantime you can design the packaging.

Cut out a 12 x 11 cm rectangle from the same construction paper that you used for the seed bombs.

Cut two slits in the middle with a utility knife. The slits should each be 8 cm long and spaced 1.5 cm apart.

Write a nice greeting in the space between the slots.

When the seed bombs are completely dry, put them in the packaging and give them away to a loved one.

The seed bombs are planted in the ground after being given away and later grow into beautiful flowers.

Make heart-shaped seed bombs yourself

What do you do with seed bombs?

The expression seed bomb or seed bomb originally comes from the context of guerrilla gardening. This refers to gardening on land not owned by the gardener. While this phenomenon is widespread in English-speaking countries, it is also finding more and more followers in Germany, especially in the big cities. Seed bombs are the weapons of the guerrilla gardener – whether homemade or ready-made – and offer an easy way to green unused public spaces such as traffic islands, green verges or abandoned lots that are difficult to access. A targeted throw from the car, from the bike or over the fence is enough to let plants sprout.

You can also simply plant them in a pot, add a little water from time to time and beautiful flowers will emerge from them.

Make heart-shaped seed bombs yourself

That was it with my idea for Seedbombs. Haven’t had enough of homemade Mother’s Day gifts yet? Then try my other ideas. Do you already know my articles about making gift bags and Mother’s Day cards with paper flowers, DIY Mother’s Day gifts: painting stones or DIY seed bombs.

What do you think of the result of these seed bombs?

Until then. Your Laura

Over Laura

I’m Laura from Berlin & Hamburg. TRYTRYTRY stands for trying new things, pushing your limits and not giving up, even if you fall down. Here we blog about the topics of food, DIY and the good life.

Source: trytrytry.de

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