Welcome to Paulina Cocina now a new recipe that can be adapted to taste and piacere: the classic smoothie Majadito. And taking advantage of this opportunity, we also talk about other recipes from around the world that are quite similar.

But although the Majadito it’s a mix of rice, meat and vegetables It differs in flavor due to the typical touch of Bolivian gastronomy. Over time, different regions and chefs have contributed their unique touches, giving rise to various variants of Majadito that are enjoyed throughout Bolivia. Needless to say, it can be eaten in various parts of the world.

Con easy to find ingredients anywhere in the world and a three-step recipe, it is an excellent choice for when a main dish is required quickly. Due to its type of ingredients, everyone will like it, so let’s get to work.

About the traditional Majadito

It is a traditional dish of Bolivian cuisine, known for its delicious combination of White ricemeat and other ingredients that give it a unique flavor. He Majadito Bolivian It is appreciated for its ability to satisfy the appetite with simple but well-combined ingredients.

The mix of flavors and textures creates a unique gastronomic experience that reflects the culinary richness of Bolivia. This dish is an expression of the tradition and creativity of Bolivian cuisine, making it a popular option in different regions of the country.

Although the traditional recipe usually include rice, meat and vegetablessome chefs and cooks have created innovative versions, adding ingredients such as egg, fried banana or exclusive seasonings.

History of the birth of Majadito

The exact origin of Majadito Bolivian It is believed to have its roots in the combination of ingredients readily available in the region. The Bolivian culinary tradition, with indigenous and Spanish influences, contributed to the creation of this dish.

The term refers to the preparation process where ingredients are mixed and mashed during cooking. Incorporating meat, rice and vegetables into a single preparation may have emerged as a practical and tasty way to take advantage of local resources.

What does your name “Majadito” mean?

The term “Majadito” is of Bolivian origin and describes a traditional dish of the country’s gastronomy. Its name reflects the process of crushing and amalgamating the ingredients during cooking.

  • The word “majado” It refers to the act of mashing or crushing, indicating the technique used in the preparation of the dish.

This dish is appreciated for its robust flavor and versatility, since there are various variants, such as Beef jerky, meat, roasted, among others. This dish has become an icon of Bolivian cuisine, highlighting the creativity and culinary diversity of the country.

Types of Majadito with their variants

He Majadito It is a traditional Bolivian dish, and there are several variants that vary in their ingredients and preparation methods. The classic version includes rice, meat, onion, tomato and spices, and is characterized by its harmonious mix of flavors and textures. This is the basis for the rest of the recipes:

  • Meat mashed: In this variant, the jerky is replaced by fresh beef, offering a juicier texture. The other ingredients and spices are maintained, creating one that is equally delicious but with different flavor nuances.
  • toasted majadito: The characteristic of this version is the toasted and crispy layer that is achieved at the end of cooking. The same ingredient base as traditional is used, but roasting adds an additional dimension, providing a unique experience in terms of texture and flavor.
  • Beef jerky: It is a preparation that stands out for the use of jerky, dehydrated and salted beef, which is rehydrated before being added to the dish. This ingredient provides an intense flavor and a firm texture to the whole. It also usually includes rice, onion, tomato, pepper and spices.
  • Majadito batido: To make it, the conventional steps of cooking rice, meat (charqui or jerky), onion, tomato and spices are followed. The difference lies in beating the eggs and adding them to the mixture before it reaches its final cooking point. This gives the dish a creamier and juicier consistency.

Recipes similar to Majadito around the world

Throughout the world there are dishes that, like majadito, use rice as a base to create delicious and varied recipes. In Korea, for example, Bibimbap It is a classic of Peruvian food that combines rice with meat, sautéed vegetables and an egg, all seasoned with gochujang, a chili paste that adds a distinctive flavor.

Meanwhile, in Italy, the risotto It is prepared by slowly cooking rice in broth and is typically enriched with meat, vegetables and cheese for a creamy texture. Then, in several regions such as India, Persia and Türkiye, pilaf or pilaw is a popular method that consists of cooking rice in broth with meat and a selection of spices to enhance the flavors. On the other hand, en Indonesia, el Nasi Goreng It is a local version of fried rice that usually has meat and vegetables, seasoned with a rich mix of local spices.

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Majadito recipe

Yield: 4 portions

Preparation time: 50 minutes


  • 2 cups of rice
  • 1 cup charque (dehydrated and salted beef), previously cooked and shredded
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 2 tomatoes, chopped
  • 1 green pepper, chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • Cumin to taste
  • Pepper to taste
  • Vegetable oil
  • Salt (may not be necessary)

How to make the richest Majadito

  1. Cook the white rice in four cups of boiling water until tender and set aside.
  2. On the other hand, in a frying pan, heat vegetable oil over medium heat and sauté the onion and garlic.
  3. Add the tomato and green pepper, cook until the vegetables are tender.
  4. Make sure the jerky has been properly soaked and cooked before shredding. Once confirmed, add the crumbled jerky and cook for a few more minutes so that the flavors mix. Adjust salt to taste, if necessary, after adding the jerky.
  5. Add the cooked rice to the mixture, stir well and add cumin and pepper to taste. Cook for a few more minutes so that the flavors mix.
  6. Serve hot. For a special touch, serve each portion of majadito with a fried egg on top.
how to make majadito

Source: www.paulinacocina.net

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