Hello dears and darlings! Surely they ate or drank something with this little fruit. It is versatile, rich and became quite fashionable a while ago.

We saw everywhere ice creams, juices and sauces of a bright yellow color, often with tiny seeds. By the time we wanted to agree on the passion fruit It was already part of our normal language and it never left.

Sure, but in the title we talk about fruit of the passion! Do you want to know if they are the same? Keep reading as we tell you everything.

About passion fruit

Passion fruit is an exotic and delicious fruit native to South America., especially from Brazil and Paraguay. This tropical fruit is known for its characteristic appearance, with a rough and wrinkled peel that hides a juicy and aromatic pulp full of small black seeds.

Passion fruit is prized not only for its unique flavor but also for its high nutrient content.. The scientific name of passion fruit is Passiflora edulis, and It is called passion fruit in some Latin American countries.

It is usually oval or oblong in shape and varies in color, from yellow to purple, depending on the variety. This fruit grows on vines that attach to structures such as trees or fences and is widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions around the world.

Why is passion fruit called passion fruit?

The fruit of the passion It receives its peculiar name due to the interpretation that the first Spanish colonizers made of this tropical fruit. When they arrived in South America in the 16th century, they noticed the abundance of Passiflora plants in the region. It has unusual flowers with components that the colonizers associated with the Passion of Christ.

They have five petals that symbolized the five wounds on Christ’s body during the crucifixion, while the corollas of the flower resembled the crown of thorns that was placed on Christ’s head.

Furthermore, the floral filaments were seen as the lashes that Jesus suffered, and the three central stigmata were interpreted as the nails that held him to the cross. The tendrils of the plant were linked to the flagellation of Christ, and the hourglass shape of the fruits symbolized the time spent on the cross.

Passion fruit and passion fruit, the same but different names

Passion fruit and passion fruit are two names that are often used to refer to the same fruit., but there are subtle regional and botanical differences between them. In botanical terms, both refer to fruits of the Passiflora edulis plant, which belongs to the Passionflower family.

However, the main difference lies in its regional name. “Passion fruit” is the term commonly used in Latin America, especially in countries like Colombia, Venezuela and Ecuadorwhile “fruit of the passion” is more common in other places, such as Brazil and some parts of Europe.

The variation in the name may also be related to the diversity of varieties of this fruit. For example, some varieties may be sweeter or more tart, with different fruit colors and sizes. This can influence the taste and appearance of the fruit found on the market.

How do you eat passion fruit?

Passion fruit is known for its exotic flavor and is consumed in various ways. To enjoy this fruit, you must first select one that is ripe. A ripe fruit will have a wrinkled, wrinkled peel and can range in color from yellow to purple, depending on the variety.

To eat it, cut it in half. Inside there is a juicy pulp and many edible seeds, there is the distinctive and sweet and sour flavor of the fruit. Eat it with a spoon or scoop the pulp directly from the shell with a spoon. Some people enjoy eating the seeds along with the pulp, while others remove them.

Passion fruit is used in a variety of dishes and drinks, from juices and smoothies to desserts and sauces. It is also a popular ingredient in baking and pastries, where its distinctive flavor adds an exotic touch to cakes, pastries and ice cream. In addition, it is used to prepare jams and sauces for meat or fish.

You can try this Truffled Passion Fruit Pie! Very delicious, Nhuummmmm!

Everything you need to know about passion fruit

  • Amazonian origin: It is native to the Amazon River basin in South America. It is one of the few tropical fruits that grows in the Amazon region.
  • tropical fruit: It is present in many tropical regions of the world, which is why it is part of this group of particular fruits like cherimoya, rambutan and pitaya.
  • extravagant name: The name “passion fruit” comes from the symbolic interpretation of the first Spanish colonizers. In many places, it is also known as passion fruit, a word that has its roots in the indigenous languages ​​of South America.
  • Variety of colors: Passion fruits can have different colors, from yellow to purple or even red. Each variety has a unique flavor, ranging from sweeter to more sour.
  • Seed abundance: Inside the passion fruit, there are numerous edible seeds. These seeds give it a unique, crunchy texture, and are often consumed along with the pulp.
  • Use in cocktails: Passion fruit is a popular ingredient in tropical cocktails. The “Passion Fruit Margarita” and the “Passion Fruit Pisco Sour” are examples of delicious drinks in which it is used.
  • natural sedative: Some compounds in passion fruit, such as the alkaloid harman, have sedative properties and may help relieve insomnia and promote better sleep.
  • Intense aroma: Passion fruit emits a distinctive aroma that can be as attractive as its flavor. This scent is often used in personal care and fragrance products.
how to eat passion fruit

Source: www.paulinacocina.net

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