Do you love period dramas as much as Maike or do you want to give a gift to a loved one who you can wake up at night for scones and bonnets and call their cats Mr. Darcy or Duke of Hastings? Then you will find Maike’s ultimate gift guide here.

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Books – special editions of the classics by Jane Austen and Co.

Even if you already have the most important books, there is no more beautiful sight on the bookshelf than your favorite series in a decorative edition.

New editions available for pre-order

Sense and Sensibility

Pride and Prejudice

My absolute tip is the Pride and Prejudice edition with handwritten letters.

And you can now also hold Captain Wentworth’s letter in your hands in the letter edition of Persuasion designed by Barbara Heller.

Little Women by Louisa May Alcott is also in this series.

If you are looking for nice books in German, you should take a look at this series. The beautiful flower covers also look great on the nightstand.

In this series you will also find classics such as Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë and Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë.

With gold embossing: Emma

Also really good: Noth & South by Elizabeth Gaskell

Historical novels by contemporary authors

Historical novels, accompanying books, fan fiction and the like.

There are great books for period drama lovers that reveal more knowledge about etiquette or the era, or are filled with diaries and the best Austen quotes.

Longbourn, Jo Baker

A must-read for Pride and Prejudice fans.

Time travelers guide to regency britain

A must for purists who want to know what life was really like back then. (Social status, income, life expectancy, important events, labels and so on.

Jane Austen Murder Mystery. Sounds amusing and I’ve put it on my reading list, but haven’t read it myself yet.

Austen Deep Dive

Jane Austen’s Letters – curated edition

Better understandable since it is commented. With illustrations of the real letters.


I love audio books for traveling or at work, when I’m editing photos or having a creative craft evening. With Audible you can also purchase many classics or newer books, such as Bridgerton, as audio books.

Maybe also interesting. . .:


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