We all know and have eaten canned, shredded or loin tuna, but there is an option that we are going to tell you about today and it will make you run to the fishmonger: Grilled tuna or, more specifically, fresh tuna loin grilled like a steak.

Raise your hand those who, like us, are fans of simple and tasty dishes! Today’s recipe meets these characteristics because there is nothing easier than putting a grilled fish and nothing that preserves the flavors more than the type of cooking on the grill.

About the grilled tuna

How to choose the tuna for our grilled recipe?

  • Choose fresh, good quality tuna steaks. Fresh tuna has an intense red color and a mild smell of the sea. If possible, opt for sustainably caught tuna.
  • The tuna loin is a part of the tuna meat that is found in the upper part of the fish, specifically on the sides of the body. It is one of the most appreciated sections due to its tender texture and intense flavor.
  • Fresh tuna has a deep red color, similar to the color of raw beef. This hue is due to the presence of myoglobin, a protein found in muscles that is responsible for the red color.

Grilled tuna cooking

Tuna cooking time depends on the thickness of the fillets and how you like the doneness. Generally, cooking each side for 2-3 minutes to get a well-done tuna is a good guideline. If you prefer the tuna rawer in the center, you can reduce the cooking time.

To know when it is cooked, keep in mind that grilled tuna changes color as it cooks.. It starts out a deep red hue and as the fish cooks it becomes duller and lighter towards the center.

If they’re not sure if the tuna is done, they can do a little slice test. It is to make an incision in the center of the fillet and observe the color inside. Tuna is a fast-cooking fish and can become dry and tough if overcooked. It is best to leave the center slightly pink and juicy to maintain its texture and flavor.

Seasoning for grilled tuna

The dressing can be used to marinate or season the tuna to add flavor. Some popular options are olive oil, lemon juice, soy sauce, minced garlic, grated ginger, and fresh herbs like thyme or rosemary.

In the case of using it as a marinade, you can leave the tuna in the mixture for 15-30 minutes and that time is enough to enhance the flavor of the fish. In the case of using it as a sauce after cooking, the flavor will have less presence in the meat of the fish.

Grilled tuna with crispy sesame

A good option to give a different touch to tuna steaks is to make them with a sesame seed coating. After seasoning both sides of the tuna with salt and pepper, in a bowl spread the seeds and press the fish until both sides are covered with a layer of sesame.

Garnishes for grilled tuna

You can serve the grilled tuna with a variety of accompaniments. Some popular options include a fresh salad, Baked Vegetablesmashed potatoes, Pumpkin puree, Rice salad, Spanish potatoes or even a light sauce like cilantro sauce or lemon sauce.

Grilled tuna recipe

Before making the recipe, make sure that the iron is very hot when placing the tuna, otherwise it can stick. Remember that tuna continues to cook slightly even after it is removed from the heat due to residual heat so it is best to undercook it slightly.

Yield: 2 servings

Preparation time: 20 minutes


  • 2 fresh tuna steaks
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • juice of 1 lemon
  • Optional: garlic powder, dried or fresh herbs (such as rosemary, thyme, or parsley) for seasoning

How to make grilled tuna

  1. Preheat a large griddle or skillet over medium-high heat. Meanwhile, season both sides of the tuna steaks with salt and pepper.
  2. After pouring the olive oil on the hot griddle, place the tuna steaks and cook for approximately 2-3 minutes on each side, depending on the thickness of the steaks and the doneness you want to achieve.
  3. During cooking, squeeze the lemon juice over the tuna steaks to add a touch of freshness and flavor. Once they are cooked to your liking, remove from the griddle.
  4. Serve the hot grilled tuna steaks accompanied by the chosen garnish and lemon wedges.

Source: www.paulinacocina.net

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