Are you looking for an easy recipe for a sweet party snack to prepare in advance? Then try my dessert in a waffle cup, which will blow your guests away.

Sweet finger food: dessert in a waffle cup

If you’re looking for a light and delicious party snack that will wow your guests, then this waffle dessert is for you! Not only is it delicious, it is also easy to prepare and is perfect as finger food for any party. In this article I will show you how you can prepare this dessert in a waffle cup in just a few steps and what ingredients you need.

It’s so easy to make your own fruit dessert in a waffle cup:

Dessert in a waffle cup


  • 16 waffle cups*
  • yogurt
  • fruit
  • * Advertising // Amazon Affiliate Link: If you buy something through these links, I receive a small commission. This means that the product does NOT cost you any more!



Attention: The dessert in a waffle cup is not suitable for preparing the day before, as the yoghurt will soften the waffle after a while. So it’s best to prepare it shortly beforehand!


Divide the yoghurt between the waffle cups. The cups should be 2/3 full of the waffle.


Wash fruit and cut into small pieces if necessary.


Also distribute the fruit among the waffle cups.


The cups can be placed in the refrigerator until serving.

Dessert in a waffle cup

16 waffle cups*
* Advertising // Amazon Affiliate Link: If you buy something through these links, I receive a small commission. This means that the product does NOT cost you any more!


Attention: The dessert in a waffle cup is not suitable for preparing the day before, as the yoghurt will soften the waffle after a while. So it’s best to prepare it shortly beforehand!

Divide the yoghurt between the waffle cups. The cups should be 2/3 full of the waffle.

Wash fruit and cut into small pieces if necessary.

Also distribute the fruit among the waffle cups.

The cups can be placed in the refrigerator until serving.

Dessert in a waffle cup

Dessert in a waffle cup

Quick to make and very easy to vary

Have I promised too much? You can really easily make this dessert yourself and modify it so easily. If you don’t like yogurt, a paradise cream also works very well. I have already published a recipe for this. It’s really versatile and yet so delicious. Which fruit would you use?

More easy party food ideas

Would you like more ideas for sweet party food? Then click through here: Rainbow fruit skewers, cinnamon roll waffles on skewers or chocolate mandarins – healthy, sweet party snack.

Dessert in a waffle cup

Dessert in a waffle cup

What are your favorite sweet party recipes?

See you then. Your Laura

Over Laura

I’m Laura from Berlin & Hamburg. TRYTRYTRY stands for trying new things, pushing yourself to your limits and not giving up, even if you fall down. Here we blog about the topics of food, DIY and the beautiful life.


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