Good luck dears! If you are in the mood for something delicious for dinner or are thinking about what to cook for the family gathering, this recipe comes to you like a godsend. We tell you everything about pasticho, we give you an incredible recipe and even the best way to make it to get the kitchen a little dirty and also be able to move it.

If it seems very similar to lasagna to you, that’s because it is. In fact, its name comes from the Italian language. Oops, I’m spoiling a lot! It’s just that my enthusiasm for a Venezuelan and Italian recipe at the same time.

But not to be confused, this is not an Italian-style lasagna recipe either, but rather a Venezuelan adaptation to this emblematic dish. Now yes, I invite you to read and at the end tell us if you are going to make this recipe.

About Venezuelan pasticho, a Latin American lasagna

It is a dish that has its roots in Italian cuisine, specifically in the famous lasagna. However, it has gained popularity in various cultures, and in Venezuela, it has become an emblematic and delicious dish.

This delicacy is characterized by Layers of pasta interspersed with a tasty mixture of meat, cheese and bechamel sauce. Venezuelan pasticho is distinguished by its unique flavor and soft texture.

The pasta, usually lasagna sheets, is combined with a mixture of ground meat seasoned with spices such as garlic, onion and tomato. The bechamel sauce adds an irresistibly delicious creaminess to the dish. Cheese, an essential ingredient, melts between the layers, creating a fusion of flavors that delight the palate.

Difference with the original Italian recipe

Pasticho and lasagna share notable similarities, as both are layered dishes that incorporate layers of pasta, meat, sauce and cheese. However, There are differences in their preparation and presentation that distinguish one from the other. In Italian lasagna, the pasta sheets are typically wider and are usually pre-cooked. In contrast, the Venezuelan pasticho uses thinner lasagna sheets and sometimes they are not pre-cookeddepending on the specific recipe.

Another key distinction is the sauce used. While the Italian lasagna usually has a tomato sauce, the Venezuelan version incorporates a bechamel sauce, which is a mixture of milk, flour and butter.

Where does the name pastiche come from?

The term “pasticho” has its etymological roots in the Italian “pasticcio”, which refers to a mixture or combination. In the culinary context, it is an adaptation of Italian lasagna, and Its name reflects the amalgamation of layers of ingredients that make it up..

This name has been adopted in several cultures, including Venezuela, where it has become an iconic dish. The choice of this name for the dish may be related to the layered nature of its components.

The combination of pasta sheets, seasoned meat, bechamel sauce and cheese creates a mosaic of flavors and textures in every bite. The name “pasticho” captures the essence of this culinary stratification process that results in a complex and delicious dish.

Bechamel sauce, star of the pasticho

Bechamel sauce is an essential preparation in the country’s cuisine, used to give a creamy touch and comforting to a variety of dishes. Making Venezuelan bechamel sauce involves melting butter in a saucepan and then adding flour, forming a mixture known as a roux..

This sauce, also known as white sauce, is distinguished by its base of milk, flour and butter, which gives it a smooth texture and delicate flavor. Its versatility makes it a key element in the preparation of traditional dishes such as Venezuelan pasticho.

This roux is essential to thicken the sauce and give it a pleasant consistency. Subsequently, the hot milk is gradually added, while stirring constantly to avoid the formation of lumps. Cooking over low heat allows the sauce to reach the desired consistency.

The importance of pasta cooking time

The cooking time of the pasticho in the oven is crucial to achieve a perfectly cooked and tasty dish. It is usually baked at a moderate temperature. Cooking time may vary depending on the size and type of oven used.

Generally speaking, an average one may need 30 to 45 minutes in the oven to cook completely. It is essential to ensure that the inner layers, especially the lasagna sheets, are cooked through and that the cheese on the top layer is golden and bubbly.

A longer cooking time may be necessary if the pasticho is larger or thicker, while smaller pastichos may require less time. It is advisable to check the cooking occasionally to avoid burning on the top.

Aluminum tray for better cooking of the pasta

The Venezuelan pasticho can be prepared and baked in an aluminum pan for easy cooking and cleanup. This option has become popular in situations where practicality and convenience are essential, such as at family gatherings or social events.

Choosing an aluminum pan can also influence cooking time. The thermal conductivity of aluminum contributes to uniform heat distribution, which can result in more consistent browning of the top layer and homogeneous baking of all layers.

The versatility of the aluminum trays allows easy handling and transportation, making the pasticho a comfortable choice to share with friends and be taken to events.

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Pasticho recipe

Yield: 8 servings

Preparation time: 2 hours


  • Pre-cooked lasagna sheets or with homemade lasagna dough
  • 500 g of ground beef
  • 1 chopped onion
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 400 g of crushed tomato
  • 1 teaspoon oregano
  • 1 teaspoon basil
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • olive oil for cooking
  • Grated cheese (yellow type or mozzarella) to gratin

Bechamel sauce:

  • 4 tablespoons of butter
  • 4 tablespoons of flour
  • 4 cups of milk
  • Salt, pepper and nutmeg to taste

Step by step finishing with the assembly

  1. In a frying pan, heat a little olive oil and sauté the onion and garlic. Add the ground beef and when it browns, add the crushed tomato, oregano, basil, salt and pepper. Cook over medium heat until thickened.
  2. In a saucepan, melt the butter over medium heat, add the flour and mix until it forms a paste. Pour in the milk, stirring to avoid lumps, and cook until the sauce thickens. Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg to taste.
  3. Preheat the oven to 180°C. In a baking mold, assemble. Place a layer of lasagna sheets, then a layer of the meat mixture and a layer of bechamel sauce. Repeat until the mold is filled.
  4. Sprinkle grated cheese over the top layer. Bake 30-40 minutes or until golden and bubbly. Let it rest for a few minutes before cutting.


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