I recently shared my absolute favorite lemon recipe with you: Lemon Curd! And today I’ll show you what you can do with it – I have a super quick dessert idea for you: my lemon dream with almonds – delicious lemon curd with a meringue cloud and crunchy cantuccini – mhhhhhh!
Lemon dream with almonds – lemon curd, meringue and cantuccini – a dream combination
Yummy, I could really eat this dessert every day! The airy meringue clouds gave me the name Lemon Dream. This dessert was inspired by a delicious almond tart with lemon cream that I once ate on Mallorca. However, I made it super easy for myself and did not bake, but simply used ready-made Cantuccini. If you want to make them yourself – we have a recipe for cantuccini here on the blog!
This is what you need – lemon dream with almonds
You can serve the lemon dream either in a casserole dish or in small glasses
- A pack of Cantuccini
- A glass of lemon curd (you can find the basic lemon curd recipe here) – You can also buy lemon curd in a well-stocked supermarket.
- 2 egg whites
- 80 grams of sugar
extra tip: Psssst, you can also serve this dessert as a glace au four – that is, with ice cream! All you have to do is add the desired ice cream between the cantuccini and the lemon curd. Due to the short time in the oven with the oven door open, the ice cream will not melt. We have two more ice cream au four recipes here: plum ice cream au four and raspberry ice cream au four.
Recipe – Lemon Dream with Almonds – easy dessert idea
If you still have lemon curd in the fridge, the recipe really takes just a few minutes and you can enjoy the lemon dream.
Turn on the grill function of your oven and let it preheat briefly. In the meantime, beat the two egg whites very stiff and let the sugar trickle in completely. Then layer cantuccini and lemon curd in the glasses (plus ice if desired!) and top it all off with a good mountain of egg whites. Then place the jars briefly under the grill with the oven door open until the meringue begins to brown slightly.
Already finished! Best enjoyed right away – I just love the combination of sweet, fluffy meringue and the lemony lemon curd!
Enjoy the meal,
PS: Looking for more lemon recipes? Then you will definitely find what you are looking for in our recipe finder!
Maybe interesting too. . .:
Source: kreativfieber.de