Christmas is coming soon and you’re looking for simple origami Christmas instructions to fold a star? Then you should take a look at this article and recreate this poinsettia.

Origami Christmas: Free instructions for stars

With these free instructions you can fold origami Christmas ideas quickly and easily. You can use the stars to decorate your Christmas tree, wrap gifts or make a garland out of them. These origami stars are very versatile.

This is how easy it is to fold the origami star:

Origami Christmas: simple instructions for folding stars


  • Origamipapier
  • Optional: scissors, ruler, pencil



To make a star, you need 7 square pieces of paper of the same size.


The first paper is placed back with the white side up and folded diagonally.


Then it is unfolded and two opposite edges are folded towards the middle, creating a kite shape.


Fold the sides back and fold the other two edges towards the middle to create a kite shape again.


Fold the first two edges back towards the middle to create a diamond shape.


Now fold the half with the open side inwards, thus halving the side and folding the closed side outwards at the same time (see picture 4).


Repeat with the remaining six pieces of paper.


Rotate all pieces of paper as shown in picture 5.


Now put the pieces of paper together like in picture 6. Repeat this until all the pieces of paper are stuck together.


Finally, insert the first piece into the last piece so that the star is closed.


Now press the star flat so that the hole in the middle closes. The star is ready for Origami Christmas.

Origami Christmas: fold a star

Optional: scissors, ruler, pencil


To make a star, you need 7 square pieces of paper of the same size.

The first paper is placed back with the white side up and folded diagonally.

Then it is unfolded and two opposite edges are folded towards the middle, creating a kite shape.

Fold the sides back and fold the other two edges towards the middle to create a kite shape again.

Fold the first two edges back towards the middle to create a diamond shape.

Now fold the half with the open side inwards, thus halving the side and folding the closed side outwards at the same time (see picture 4).

Repeat with the remaining six pieces of paper.

Rotate all pieces of paper as shown in picture 5.

Now put the pieces of paper together like in picture 6. Repeat this until all the pieces of paper are stuck together.

Finally, insert the first piece into the last piece so that the star is closed.

Now press the star flat so that the hole in the middle closes. The star is ready for Origami Christmas.

simple instructions for star folding

More easy poinsettia ideas

Would you like more ideas for simple Christmas decorations? Then click here:

simple instructions for star folding

What are your favorite ideas for Christmas decorations?

See you then. Your Laura

Over Laura

I’m Laura from Berlin & Hamburg. TRYTRYTRY stands for trying new things, pushing yourself to your limits and not giving up, even if you fall down. Here we blog about the topics of food, DIY and the beautiful life.


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