Hello followers of Paulina Cocina! On this occasion we are going to bring you a delicious option that fuses the jewish heritage with the passion for good food: varenikes.

These small stuffed bites Countries such as Russia, Ukraine or Poland dispute their creation, they are a true delight on the tables of many families of Jewish or Eastern European origin.

We are going to tell you what they are, what is their history and their origin, the best ways to enjoy them, six sauces to savor them and a recipe for varenikes very simple to prepare at home.

About varenikes

The varenikes, originally from Jewish cuisine, They are a style of homemade pasta, which mixes an elastic dough with soft ingredients. They are traditionally filled with potato and onion and their flavor rises to heights when they are cooked with love.

Varenikes are very similar to dumplings; but it is a recipe with another tradition, due to its direct connection with the rich culinary history of the Jewish community.

These bites They are usually served with butter, fried onion or sour cream and they are a classic on the tables of families who have an ancestor from Russia, Ukraine or Poland.

Some characteristics of Jewish varenikes

  1. Filling versatility: Varenikes are like blank culinary canvases, since they accept a variety of fillings such as meat, mushrooms, or chicken. However, those with potato and onion are the most classic.
  1. Perfect texture: The dough has a soft and elastic texture that provides the ideal balance to enhance the filling, creating a unique gastronomic experience.
  1. Tradition in every bite: They are the expression of centuries of perfected techniques and recipes passed down from generation to generation in each family.
  1. Renderers: These pastas are ideal to share at family gatherings or among friends, becoming the soul of any celebration.

Who invented the varenikes recipe?

The history of potato and onion varenikes dates back to time immemorial, but attributing its invention to a single person would be impossible. These homemade pastas are the result of creativity and the need to adapt to the ingredients available in traditional Jewish cuisine.

These pastas have their roots in Eastern European countries, where the potato became a basic ingredient of many recipes. This classic filling stands out for its combination of flavors, with the potato providing creaminess and the onion providing a sweet and aromatic touch.

4 Ways to enjoy varenikes

  1. Traditional simplicity: Enjoying potato and onion varenikes simply boiled and then sautéed in butter is a classic way to bring out their authentic flavor.
  2. Accompanied by sauces: These Jewish dumplings pair exceptionally well with sauces like sour cream or apple, which add additional layers of flavor.
  3. Fried and crispy: Another delicious option is to fry them to obtain a crispy texture on the outside, contrasting with the soft and creamy filling.
  4. As an aperitif: They are a perfect choice to serve as an appetizer at meetings and events.

The dough for potato varenikes

Mass is a proper balance between flour, water, eggs and oil. It is essential to achieve a melt-in-your-mouth texture. The magic lies in kneading with love and letting it rest so that it reaches its maximum elasticity.

Also You can make the dough with lids for empanadas de copetín, in case you do not have the time necessary to make the homemade version. In that case you simply have to cook the filling, assemble the pasta and boil it in plenty of water.

6 sauces that elevate the flavor of Varenikes

1. sour cream sauce: The classic companion of this Jewish pasta is the sour cream sauce, which gives it an irresistible softness. It is simply cream with a few drops of lemon.

2. Apple sauce: The fruity touch that highlights the flavors of the varenikes de papa. In a saucepan, cook for a few minutes, stirring, applesauce, a teaspoon of sugar, a pinch of cinnamon and another of nutmeg.

3. Honey Mustard Sauce: A bold fusion of spicy and sweet. For this sauce, mix Dijon mustard with two tablespoons of honey and one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.

4. Sblue cheese sauce: Ideal for cheese lovers. Place a handful of blue cheese with a cup of cream and heat over low heat, stirring until the cheese dissolves.

5. Sage and butter sauce: A tasty option is to add a handful of chopped sage to the classic butter sauce and cook for a few minutes until the butter melts.

6. Spicy tomato sauce: For those looking for a spicy touch. Mix some chopped tomatoes with a touch of chili and cook until the sauce thickens, season with salt and pepper to taste.

4 tips for making Jewish varenikes

  • Precision Cooking: Cook them in boiling water until they float and then brown them lightly in butter to achieve a perfect texture.
  • Fill with love: It is important that the onions are sautéed to give more flavor to the filling and the potatoes are boiled with their skins so that they do not have too much water.
  • Hot or cold sauces: Sauces can be served hot or cold, depending on preferences and the pasta filling being enjoyed.
  • aesthetic presentation: Sauces can be served in small containers around the pasta so that each diner can personalize their experience.

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Varenikes recipe

Yield: 4 portions

Preparation: 2 hours


  • 2 cups flour
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 cup of water
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon oil
  • 3 potatoes, cooked with peel and mashed
  • 1 onion, chopped and sautéed
  • Pepper and salt to taste
  • Butter for sautéing

How to make Jewish varenikes step by step

  1. Mix the flour, egg, water, salt and oil to make the dough. Let it rest for 30 minutes.
  2. Roll out the dough and cut small circles.
  3. Fill each circle with a teaspoon of the potato and onion filling.
  4. Close the edges forming a semicircle and seal well.
  5. Boil the varenikes until they float and then brown them in butter.

Source: www.paulinacocina.net

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